
English Setter

AKC Grouping
Sporting Group
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Choosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight English Setter

English Setter

This gun dog used for hunting wild fowl may benefit from a special diet designed specifically for their activity level, age and breed. Given the generally reduced activity level of the English Setter today, they need to have strictly controlled portions to avoid becoming overweight.

The History of English Setters and Obesity

One of the four breeds of Setters, the English Setter has a history of over 400 years in the damp chilly climate of northern England. There are depictions of breeds very similar to the English Setter that have appeared in paintings dating as far back as the early 15th century. This very efficient pointer was able to locate fowl in large open fields and was prized by hunters. There are actually two types of English Setters, one is bred for show and the other for hunting. The English Setter is renown for their ability to find the scent of fowl and freeze, or point, upon determining its location. The English Setter needs substantial activity with at least two hours a day recommended by breeders.

Get Your English Setter the Right Food
brushing 2-3 times a week

Overweight/Obese English Setters in Modern Times

No doubt the earlier English Setters survived on a diet of hunting spoils and barn vermin. Today, the English Setters are endearing pets, showering their owners with affection and loyalty. Even though the English Setter is exceptionally intelligent, they are not easy to train as they're easily distracted. They should be trained with a gentle hand. The English Setter is now a beloved pet to families across Europe and the United States. While often referred to as an elegant and charming breed, the English Setter can be stubborn and mischievous. When founded in 1884, the English Setter was one of the first breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club. While large male English Setters can weigh in at up to 80 pounds, their reduced activity level compared to their ancestors means they need very controlled portions of dog food to maintain a healthy weight.

English Setter

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight English Setter

Spot & Tango is committed to offering your English Setter the highest quality dog food to promote a healthy weight. Spot & Tango uses only locally sourced USDA approved beef, lamb and turkey in their dog foods. By using only locally sourced meats Spot & Tango ensures that their meats are antibiotic, preservative and hormone free. The high-quality meats included in Spot & Tango's dog food are abundant in the proteins that build and repair cartilage and tendons which can help reduce discomfort related to the muscle pressure caused by excessive weight. Feeding your obese English Setter Spot & Tango dog food abundant in gluten-free quinoa, millet, and brown rice can help to increase their energy and help support their digestive system aiding in their weight management. Spot & Tango's dishes include leafy greens and fruits that are known to assist reduce discomfort and for strengthening the heart of an overweight English Setter.

Get Your English Setter the Right Food

Choose Spot & Tango for Overweight English Setter Dog Food

Spot and Tango has developed reliable and relatable relationships with all our customers. From the beginning we ask a number of questions about your English Setter, such as daily activity and things your English Setter likes to do or play with. Then we calculate roughly how many calories your English Setter may need to maintain a healthy weight. If your English Setter is already overweight, we can work with you to create a game plan to help them get back within a healthy weight range. Spot & Tango's dog food for an overweight English Setter is made with 100% natural and real ingredients. Recipes such as beef and millet or turkey and quinoa are created with the correct ratios to either get your English Setter's weight down or maintain the healthy weight they are at. Sent with a personalized letter and instructions for feeding amounts, Spot and Tango offers the perfect dog food for overweight English Setters.