
Rat Terrier

AKC Grouping
Terrier Group
  • friendly
  • inquisitive
  • lovable

Choosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Rat Terrier

Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is a relatively small to medium sized dog, but which also tends to be incredibly active, as their histories informed their development as hunters and controlling vermin populations. However, their development can be impeded by their ability to gain weight, which can be incredibly detrimental to their health. The most important factor in caring for an overweight Rat Terrier is finding a healthy and high protein dog food in the right proportions.

The History of Rat Terriers and Obesity

The first thing to consider about the Rat Terrier is understanding their physiological nature, and the history that informed them They were originally bred for their speed, which enabled them to catch vermin and small prey. The Rat Terrier played a key role in many farming households as their ability to control the vermin populations were incredibly important to the survival of many households. This is because vermin was generally one of the most destructive forces to the grain capacities of entire families. This could spell trouble as grain was usually one of the most important reserves for farmers and normal households, especially during the winter months. These grains are easily wiped out quickly by the destructive forces of the vermin, so the Rat Terriers ability to quickly deter these populations saved many families from certain destruction. This meant that the Rat Terrier always had a job, and were incredibly active.

Get Your Rat Terrier the Right Food
a weekly good brushing

Overweight/Obese Rat Terriers in Modern Times

Although incredibly important assets to their families, owners also usually did not think much about what they were feeding their Rat Terriers, and so they probably survived solely on table scraps from their owners. The Rat Terrier comes in various sizes, but the majority of the ones we see now are generally in the regular group or the minature group. The miniature group stands at 10 to 13 inches, while the standard group stands from 13 to 18 inches tall.

Rat Terrier

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Rat Terrier

This small size means maintaining proportioned sizes and keeping them slim is necessary for living a long and healthy life, especially when it comes to the proper development of their bones and decreasing the risk of patellar subluxation and hip dysplasia. They come in a variety of colors, from amber to chocolate and tan, with many other colors acceptable under the breed standard. They also come with many different patterns on their short coats, however, the merle pattern is bred out of many different groups, in order to eliminate the many medical conditions associated with that particular coat pattern.

Get Your Rat Terrier the Right Food

Choose Spot & Tango for Overweight Rat Terrier Dog Food

Spot and Tango have taken it upon themselves to help you and your overweight Rat Terrier find the right dog food. In order to do that, we’ll need to learn a little bit about your dog. Things like size, age, etc. will affect the nutritional needs of your dog, and so we use a proprietary questionnaire to pinpoint those needs in order to develop a suggested meal plan that can provide your overweight Rat Terrier with complete nutrition, while still helping them to lose weight. Our menu is built upon the foundation of quality ingredients that are whole, fresh, and fit for human consumption. We use 100% real meat to provide your Rat Terrier with a high protein diet, and we stay away from cheap filler ingredients like sugar that can contribute to unexpected weight gain. Our meals also contain things like vegetables, grains, and fruits that provide all of the vitamins and nutrients your Rat Terrier needs, such as vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and more. Our menu has been developed with the help of medical and nutritional experts in order to promote canine health on a dog by dog basis, because man’s best friend deserves nothing less. Spot and Tango is family owned and operated, and we aim to bring that personal touch to dogs everywhere in the form of a nutritious and delicious diet that we’d happily feed our to own canine companions.