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Choosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Tosa


This rare Japanese breed is a fighting dog bred in Japan in the late 19th century to be robust and especially powerful. The Tosa was bred to withstand the severe temperatures and terrain in Japan and required substantial volumes of high protein dog food.

The History of Tosas and Obesity

The Tosa was bred to withstand the severe temperatures and terrain in Japan and required substantial volumes of high protein dog food. Aa one point during the onset of the 20th century, there were over 5000 Tosa breeders active in Japan Nearly a dozen countries worldwide have banned the import of Tosas given their aggressive fighting instinct. This rare breed is the only fighting breed officially recognized, and allowed by the Japanese government. Sometimes referred to as the Japanese Mastiff, the Tosa does not reach full maturity until up to four years of age. The powerful Tosa is an extremely loyal and protective pet but will become suspicious of other animals. The Tosa most likely survived on a high protein diet of hunting spoils and table scraps from their owners.

Get Your Tosa the Right Food
only an occasional bath and brushing
willing to follow

Overweight/Obese Tosas in Modern Times

While this may have been sufficient for maintaining fighting strength, it may well have led the Tosa to be overweight in their later years. Today, the Tosa has a reputation as a dangerous breed and should not be placed in the homes of first time dog owners. The Tosa can weigh in at over 200 pounds and are often associated with Sumo wrestlers. The largest of all breeds registered in Japan, the Tosa is sometimes referred to as the Japanese Fighting Dog. While not the national dog of Japan, the Tosa is treated with tremendous respect and honor. As dog fighting is not sanctioned in the United States, the Tosa is predominantly a beloved family pet. Today, the Tosas in the United States are somewhat pampered with dog food readily available and risk becoming overweight unless food quantities are monitored and regular exercise is maintained. Given their reduced activity level in the United States, the Tosa may benefit from a lower quantity of dog food today


The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Tosa

Spot & Tango is committed to providing your Tosa the greatest quality dog food to promote a healthy weight. Spot & Tango utilizes only locally sourced USDA approved beef, lamb and turkey in their dog foods. By utilizing just locally sourced meats Spot & Tango makes sure that their meats are antibiotic, preservative and hormone free. The top quality meats contained in Spot & Tango's dog food are rich in the proteins that build and repair cartilage and tendons which can help in easing discomfort associated with the muscle strain caused by excessive weight. Feeding your overweight Tosa Spot & Tango dog food, which contains gluten-free quinoa, millet, and brown rice, can help to improve their energy and support their gastrointestinal system aiding in their weight management. Spot & Tango's dishes consist of leafy greens and fruits that are known to help reduce discomfort and for strengthening the heart of an overweight Tosa.

Get Your Tosa the Right Food

Choose Spot & Tango for Overweight Tosa Dog Food

Our recipes are designed by veterinarians and pet nutritionists to ensure that they are the best that they can be. We cook our recipes in small batches in our USDA and FDA inspected kitchen. These small batches ensure quality and freshness. When the food arrives on your doorstep, it has been cooked within the week. To ensure that your Tosa gets the best food for his or her body type, we offer the option of creating a recommended plan. Just take our online quiz which will ask a variety of questions about your overweight Tosa’s weight, physical attributes, and various other factors. When fed in the proper amounts for your Tosa’s size, our dog food can help a Tosa lose weight. When your Tosa is finally at a healthy weight, the chance for weight related disease decreases, which can , in turn, extend your dog’s life. For this reason, we believe that investing in Spot & Tango’s dog food for an overweight Tosa is one of the best decisions you can make for your dog.