Afghan Hound
AKC Grouping
Hound GroupTemperament
- independent
- sweet
- regal
aloof or waryChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a dog breed well known for its unique appearance. As a sighthound, its body is lithe and slender. Its legs and neck are unusually long, and its head is rather small, about the size of the neck, necessitating a special martingale collar. Its slender physique may be difficult to maintain with commercial dog foods that are prone to containing cheap filler ingredients such as potatoes, which carry carbs, and sugar. Both of these ingredients can contribute to excess weight gain, and often by surprise unless you’re reading labels carefully. What sets the Afghan Hound apart from other sighthounds is its fur. The fur grows quite long, thick, and fine, giving it a luxurious look. The fur on the ears, along with a black mask on the face in many cases, creates a look similar to that of a human’s long hairdo. Its appearance makes it a great fit for the role of a show dog. However, it’s a notoriously difficult dog to train, which can complicate its role as a show dog. It can take up to 80 iterations to teach an Afghan Hound a new command, and it can continue to be a hit or miss process after it learns the command. The Afghan Hound tends to be a dignified breed, but it can also be very playful as the need arises. While it gets along well with people, it may have a hard time doing the same with smaller animals due to the high prey drive that is characteristic of sighthounds. Again, similar to sighthounds on the whole, the Afghan Hound performs above average in agility trials, further contributing to a strong overall performance as a show dog.
The History of Afghan Hounds and Obesity
The Afghan Hound comes from the Middle East area where we find a harsh climate with desert conditions. This breed is one of the oldest dog breeds, possibly the first purebred dog and was kept by royals and the highest in charge in the Middle Eastern countries. Besides companions to the highest people in the area the dogs were sighthounds with panoramic vision and sprinting speed to capture their prey. For centuries the Afghan Hound was kept only in the Eastern part of the world until it was brought to England in the 1800's. The first Afghan Hounds entered the United States in 1927 and were kept as companion dogs. The Afghan Hound has a beauty that makes it well suited for aristocratic life. Their long and flowy straight coat, long and lean body with tall thin legs, and their deep set eyes all have purposes in the wild but make them a choice breed for those whose priority is looks.
Get Your Afghan Hound the Right Food
daily brushing
typically stubborn
infrequentlyOverweight/Obese Afghan Hounds in Modern Times
Since the dog has mostly been kept as a companion to the richest it has most likely been fed a diet of whatever was deemed the best of foods at the time including meats, fruits, and vegetables. Today, the breed has enjoyed great success as a family pet or as a show dog winning Best in Show at Westminster twice. At one point an Afghan Hound was portrayed as Barbie's pet dog and thus their popularity skyrocketed. The famous artist Pablo Picasso owned an Afghan Hound and a painting of his hound sold for over 10 million dollars in 2012. As a show dog and family pet the Afghan Hound still enjoys the relaxed and pampered life usually. The Afghan Hound has not been in charge of hunting its own food for a long time but still retains a high hunting drive. It is important to make sure that the Afghan Hound is getting the proper amount of food depending on how active or relaxed of a lifestyle they may have.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Afghan Hound
Spot and Tango has terrific dog food to help keep an Afghan Hound in top form. Spot and Tango use just USDA certified and regionally sourced beef so you know your Afghan Hound willbe able to eat a great dog food. Spot and Tango makes dog food that does not have hormones or preservatives and is only the best ingredients. Using Spot and Tango dog food for your overweight Afghan Hound will ensure it only eats the best quality food. Spot and Tango utilize the best carbs to make certain your dog will not have unnecessary fillers in their dog food. Eating the fruit and carbs in Spot and Tango dog food can help your Afghan Hound maintain their ideal weight.
Get Your Afghan Hound the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Afghan Hound Dog Food
Spot and Tango has developed reliable and relatable relationships with all our customers. From the beginning we ask a number of questions about your Afghan Hound, such as daily activity. Then we calculate roughly how many calories your Afghan Hound may need to maintain a healthy weight. If your Afghan Hound is already overweight, we can work with you to create a game plan to help them get back within a healthy weight range. Spot & Tango's dog food for an overweight Afghan Hound is made with 100% natural and real ingredients. Recipes such as beef and millet or turkey and quinoa are created with the correct ratios to either get your Afghan Hound's weight down or maintain the healthy weight they are at. Sent with a personalized letter and instructions for feeding amounts, Spot and Tango offers the perfect dog food for overweight Afghan Hounds.