Airedale Terrier
AKC Grouping
Terrier GroupTemperament
- friendly
- clever
- courageous
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Airedale Terrier

Looking at the history of the Airedale Terrier, one can understand why the Airedale may have issues with being overweight. Food options for the Airedale Terrier are more abundant today than they were historically. This makes watching their weight extremely important.
The History of Airedale Terriers and Obesity
The Airedale Terrier hales from Yorkshire, England in a specific valley of River Aire. The British often use 'dale' as a synonym to 'valley' (especially a broad one). Hence one can easily see the origin of the breed name, Airedale Terrier. Mid-19th century farmers and herders created the Airedale Terrier by crossing the Black and Tan Terrier with the Otterhound and an assortment of other terriers. The breed was officially recognized in 1886 by the Kennel Club of England. Often the sporting dog of choice for the common man, the Airedale Terrier would often times accompany hounds on the hunt. The hounds would sniff out the game and the Airedale would burrow and make the kill. Especially adept at water work, the Airedale Terrier was a favorite among those participating in sport hunting events along the River Aire where dogs would pursue large river rats that inhabited the area. During WWI the Airedale Terrier was used to carry messages to soldiers and to carry mail. Additionally, they were used by the Red Cross to find wounded soldiers. 'Jack' is a famous Airedale that delivered a message within it's collar across a half-mile of significant enemy fire only to drop dead of the dog's injuries at its recipient's feet. The large Airedale, the largest of the terriers in fact, had other uses other than a sport hunter or war time helpmate. One of the more interesting uses was its ability to poach rabbits and fowl that were plentiful on large-estates which were barred from hunting. Being a hunting dog and farm dog, the Airedale Terrier likely ate whatever it could hunt on its own or find around the barn.
Get Your Airedale Terrier the Right Food
brushing 2-3 times a week
wanting to learn
occassionallyOverweight/Obese Airedale Terriers in Modern Times
As for the dog food the Airedale Terrier was likely fed from its owners in the mid-19th Century to early 20th Century. . . it was most likely the scraps from the sporting hunt or overall table scraps from supper. After WWI the Airedale Terrier gained in popularity rapidly thanks largely in part to stories of their war bravery on the battlefield. Laddie Boy, was the 'first celebrity White House pet' belonging to Warren Harding. But Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge also both owned Airedales. Some additionally famous Airedale Terriers are Kitty, owned by John Jacob Astor IV (and subsequently drown during the sinking of the Titanic) and Duke, the Airedale Terrier of John Wayne (yes, and namesake of Wayne's nickname). In the roaring 20s the Airedale Terrier became the most popular breed in the USA. Today the dogs are rarely used for hunting in the United States but rather used as family pets thanks to their great disposition and otherwise friendly nature. Their loving families may tend to over indulge their Airedale Terriers thanks to the love they have for them. The Airedale Terrier of today doesn't run or swim the great lengths it used to when used for sport, hunting rats and other small (and sometimes larger) game, causing it to be less active and need less dog food.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Airedale Terrier
Spot & Tango is a family run and family operated service. When you purchase our dog food, we love to consider you a part of our extended family. As family, we desire the very best food for your Airedale Terrier so that they can have the best chance at a long, healthy, and happy life. Numerous industrial dog foods are full of fillers and additives that are not especially useful for an Airedale Terrier's diet. In some cases, that poor quality can contribute to an Airedale Terrier being obese. We utilize nothing but the very best ingredients: human grade food comprised of pure meat, veggies, and fruits. We promise that none of our food contains gluten, wheat, soy, or artificial flavors.
Get Your Airedale Terrier the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Airedale Terrier Dog Food
If you find your Airedale Terrier starting to gain a little extra weight, Spot and Tango is here to help. You can go to the Spot and Tango website and complete a quiz that assesses your dog's daily activity levels and lifestyle. Using this information, they create a personalized animal nutritionist-formulated diet that can help your overweight dog. When delivered you will find instructions inside the freshly sealed insulated box that contains dog food for an overweight Airedale Terrier. Follow the instructions to optimize the daily values of nutrients within the appropriate amount of calories for your dog. With monitored feedings and a little exercise, you can help your Airedale Terrier live a longer healthier life. Keep your Airedale Terrier healthy and lean, get Spot and Tango’s dog food that is ideal for your overweight Airedale Terrier.