Appenzeller Sennenhund
AKC Grouping
Foundation Stock ServiceTemperament
- agile
- versatile
- lively
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Appenzeller Sennenhund
The Appenzeller Sennenhund is often an agile, versatile and lively breed. Their demeanor is often times described as reserved with strangers. But as the dog ages and reaches its senior years, their temperament can become less predictable. While an appenzeller Sennenhund typically needs lots of activity, as they get older their energy levels tend to gradually fade which can lead to obesity. A dutiful owner of an appenzeller Sennenhund should take time to find the right dog food for a senior Appenzeller Sennenhund to help keep energy levels up and their weight controlled.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Appenzeller Sennenhund Health Issues
These dogs come from the area of Appenzell, Switzerland and were bred in the farmland of that area. We know that the earliest mentions of these dog's was during 1853 when they were described as high pitched barking dogs of the Spitz variety and they gained their own breed recognition by 1898. The Appenzeller Sennenhund was specifically bred to be a working dog on a farm used for guarding because of it's high pitched bark and also for herding because of it's agility. The Appenzeller Sennenhund's were especially good at herding cattle by running behind them and nipping them in the ankles in order to keep them going in the direction they were supposed to. The "Sennenhund" part of their name comes from a loose translation meaning "dairy farmer's dog". This breed is a medium sized dog with short fine hair and a strong muscular build. This makes the perfect dog for farm life along with their energetic and willing personality.
Get Your Appenzeller Sennenhund the Right FoodEnergy
very activeGrooming
a weekly good brushingTraining
typically stubbornShedding
regularlyHelp Your Senior Appenzeller Sennenhund Live a Full & Long Life
Knowing that these dogs were specifically bred to live on farms leads us to believe that in their early days they most likely dined on scraps and leftovers from the family meals. The Appenzeller Sennenhund may not have lived as long in years past, but it's important to note that your Appenzeller Sennenhund can live as long as 15 years or more today. How? The key to helping a senior Appenzeller Sennenhund live a full and long life all lies in selecting the best dog food for a senior Appenzeller Sennenhund and making sure it gets proper exercise. The average weight of an Appenzeller Sennenhund is 48-70 pounds. If your senior Appenzeller Sennenhund is falling outside of that range, you should first consider a better dog food for a senior Appenzeller Sennenhund (like the dog food Spot & Tango offers). Then, make sure your dog is getting appropriate exercise.
The Best Dog Food for a Senior Appenzeller Sennenhund
It is important to make sure Appenzeller Sennenhund's are getting proper servings of high quality nutritious dog food every day and during the summer months it is important to give them extra water to keep them hydrated. Feeding an Appenzeller Sennenhund the right amount of nutrition every day is important for their health and their joints since they are such active dogs. Even as a puppy the Appenzeller Sennenhund should be given the proper nutrition dog food preferably one with antioxidant rich formulas that are grain free and all natural it is good for their growth and strengthening their bones and teeth. Dog food containing glucosamine, calcium and phosphorous is really good for strengthening of the bones and since Appenzeller Sennenhund's are known to have hip issues as they age these are some important ingredients to look for in their food. Appenzeller Sennenhund's are known to have issues with their hips as they age due to the excessive amount of running they do in their early years so as they age they need to be given food that has the right amount of nutrition to keep their bones strong. Appenzeller Sennenhund's are actually known to be a pretty healthy breed but as they get older they will not only have issues with their hips but their eyesight can become worse and they are prone to get ear infections so proper nutrition daily can help especially with the eye sight. With Appenzeller Sennenhund's being such an active healthy breed it is important to make sure they get the proper daily nutrition that their body needs throughout their early years that way when they become a senior their health issues will not be as severe.
Get Your Appenzeller Sennenhund the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Appenzeller Sennenhund Dog Food
We know you will love Spot & Tango. We provide animal based protein provided by our 100% pure ground turkey, ground beef, ground lamb, and eggs. We also use fresh, locally grown, vegetables and fruits to provide a balanced diet full of essential vitamins and minerals. We deliver our meals to your door so that you can spend valuable time with your aging dog. To get the best personalized plan for your dog, take our online quiz. It will take into consideration your dog’s age, weight, breed, size, and more so that we can send you food that is portioned out accordingly. To be sure you’ll love our food, take advantage of our trial order, available at a discount off our normal prices. Get the dog food for senior Appenzeller Sennenhunds that your dog will be excited to eat—even into old age.