Australian Cattle Dog
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- alert
- curious
- pleasant
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Australian Cattle Dog
The muscular build of an Australian Cattle Dog evokes memories of their long days spent droving cattle northward to new settlements, nipping at their heels to keep them on course. This breed was conducive in herding Thomas Hall’s livestock along unusual and unforgiving terrain such as the steep hills and heavy foliage in areas like the Liverpool Plains of Australia. Even to this day, the Australian Cattle Dog has seemingly boundless energy and prospers when given a job to do. Allowing them to run and bounce around is not only imperative to a healthy state of mind in your pet, but it’s also crucial in preventing them from becoming overweight. The kind of food you feed your dog is also a vital component in helping them maintain a proper weight. Spot & Tango offers meals with ingredients like fresh and locally sourced fruits and vegetables and lean and pure proteins that can help your overweight Australian Cattle Dog lose the extra pounds and sustain a healthy weight.
The History of Australian Cattle Dogs and Obesity
Generally, the body of an Australian Cattle Dog is solid, compact, and athletic. Their frame conveys power and strength, appearing muscular rather than dainty or bulky. The ears are small to medium sized, wide set, and pricked, meaning they stand stiffly upright. There is also a covering of hair on the inside. The Australian Cattle Dog has oval shaped eyes, dark in color yet still able to express a sense of vigilance and acuity. They have straight, proportionate legs that are supported by round arched feet and small but strong toes and nails. The height and weight standards for this breed, according to the American Kennel Club, are 18-20 inches in height at the withers for males, 17-19 inches at the withers for females, and their weight specification is the same at 35-50 pounds. They should also have a long, natural, un-docked tail with a solid color spot at the base of the tail and white tip. It should be reasonably bushy, set rather low on the back and hanging at a slight curve, though an excited dog may be seen carrying its tail higher.
Get Your Australian Cattle Dog the Right FoodEnergy
very activeGrooming
only an occasional bath and brushingTraining
typically stubbornShedding
regularlyOverweight/Obese Australian Cattle Dogs in Modern Times
Two accepted coat colors exist in the standard for Australian Cattle Dog, red and blue, however chocolate and cream are seen. The blue colored dogs of this breed can be either blue mottled, blue speckled with or without black, white, or tan markings, or completely blue. Red dogs should be speckled evenly throughout with solid red markings. Australian Cattle Dogs are born white, save for whatever solid colored spots or markings they have on their face and body. The unique colorings of adult dog of this breed is caused by a black or red hairs jointly dispersed throughout an otherwise white coat. They can have a “mask” over their face as well, consisting of a black patch over one or both eyes for blue dogs, or a red patch over one or both eyes for red dogs. Patches over just one eye are called single or half masks, while full patches are known as a double or full mask. The are all acceptable marking according the Australian Cattle Dog breed standard.
The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Australian Cattle Dog
Spot and Tango has excellent dog food to help keep an Australian Cattle Dog in top shape. Spot and Tango use just USDA certified and regionally sourced beef so you know for sure your Australian Cattle Dog will always get the best dog food. Spot and Tango makes dog food that does not have hormones or preservatives and is just the very best ingredients. Using Spot and Tango dog food for your overweight Australian Cattle Dog will guarantee it just eats the very best quality food. Spot and Tango utilize the best carbohydrates to make certain your dog will not have unnecessary fillers in their diet. Consuming the fruit and carbs in Spot and Tango dog food can help your Australian Cattle Dog maintain their ideal weight.
Get Your Australian Cattle Dog the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Australian Cattle Dog Dog Food
Spot and Tango, more than any big brand dog food company, has the continued health and happiness of your overweight Australian Cattle Dog at heart. We work with veterinary nutritionists to determine the most effective, specialized diet to fit your Australian Cattle Dog’s needs. Just as importantly, all of our nutritious meals are prepared in small batches in an USDA approved kitchen in New York, using only fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and arrive on your doorstep within only a couple of short days of being prepared. Our discounted two-week trial presents an effortless opportunity to see the benefits of an individualized, invigorating diet on your overweight Australian Cattle Dog’s health. When your Australian Cattle Dog is nourished with Spot and Tango’s individualized meals, you are ensuring your commitment to his or her good health so that your dog can continue to enjoy the happy and lively activities all Australian Cattle Dogs love.