Australian Shepherd
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- smart
- work-oriented
- exuberant
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Australian Shepherd

Despite being a very energetic and athletic dog by nature there is always the chance that your Australian Shepherd could become overweight. If your dog is carrying more than the ideal amount of weight there is a chance that they are not getting the best quality of life or that other health problems could begin to arise. In order to keep this from happening you can make sure that your dog is getting the food necessary to keep them at an optimal weight and regain the vibrant life that they are usually known for having. A diet full of nutrients that is specifically tailored to an overweight dog can be the trick to getting your dog back on track with their weight.
The History of Australian Shepherds and Obesity
The Australian Shepherd is in fact not from Australia. Their roots go back to Europe in a small area between what is now known as Spain and France and they come from the dogs known as the Pyrenean Shepherds. These dogs were the work dogs of the people then known as the Basques who were shepherds in the area around the early 1800’s. From this small area of Europe the Basques and their dogs later traveled to Australia following the British in search of a rich green land that would suit them well as shepherds. During their time in Australia the Pyrenean Shepherd dogs were crossed with the Collies and Border Collies that the British had brought along with them. It is from this crossing that we ended up with the gorgeous Australian Shepherd. Their unique look with a mottled appearance in fur with either a red/white or blue/white coloring along with their sometimes bright blue eyes make them unmistakable and easy to find in a flock of sheep or cattle. From Australia, hence the name, they made their way to America through California where they made their name as herding dogs for ranchers and later on as faithful companions to the many TV cowboys popular after WWII. From this history we can see what an active lifestyle the Australian Shepherd has had through history and why a sedentary lifestyle that leads to excess weight is not ideal for them. Getting your overweight dog on a meal plan that is customized to their needs is essential to keeping healthy and getting them back to a life of exercise and vitality.
Get Your Australian Shepherd the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
wanting to learn
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Australian Shepherds in Modern Times
In recent history dog’s have come to rely mainly on commercial dog food for their nutrition. This may seem like an easy and convenient way to feed your dog but conventional dog food is usually full of fillers and heavily processed making it even easier for your dog to put on extra weight without much effort.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Australian Shepherd
In order to keep your dog at a healthy weight and help them live a healthy lifestyle they need to be given a diet that is filled with real human grade ingredients such as meat, fruits, and vegetables. You’ll notice that this is very similar to the diet that a human needs to maintain a healthy weight as well. While it may seem easy to prepare your dog’s food yourself you may end up feeding your dog a diet that is lacking in essential nutrients specific to canine health.
Get Your Australian Shepherd the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Australian Shepherd Dog Food
Spot and Tango has taken all of the guesswork out of feeding your dog a healthy nutritious diet. Their food is prepared in an USDA approved kitchen in New York and is always prepared in small batches to ensure the highest nutritional integrity and that your Australian Shepherd’s dog food comes to you as fresh as can be. Their food is held to the highest of standards by the USDA AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials) and is made with ingredients that you can easily recognize such as fresh lamb, beef, pork, and eggs. Besides these fresh ingredients Spot and Tango also adds their exclusive mixture of vitamins and minerals to give you a super nutritious meal to feed your Australian Shepherd. To find out more about Spot and Tango and their home delivery dog food for an overweight Australian Shepherd, go check out the quiz available on our website and see the meal plan for an overweight Australian Shepherd that they come up with for your Australian Shepherd. They offer a 2-week trial to convince you that their food is the best that you can provide for your Australian Shepherd. With the help of Spot and Tango you should see a difference in your dog’s weight and attitude before you know it!