AKC Grouping
Hound GroupTemperament
- loyal
- independent
- deeply affectionate
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Azawakh

A balanced, nutrient-rich dog food is important to the health and well-being of senior Azawakhs. Historically, little consideration was given to the dietary needs of aging Azawakhs.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Azawakh Health Issues
Azawakhs, originating in the Azawakh Valley of the Sahara desert, likely subsided on a diet of scraps and leftovers. The earliest Azawakhs were responsible for protecting the flock and homesteads, along with hunting game like boar, antelope and hare. A deep chest and aerodynamic head gave Azawakhs great speed when hunting their prey. As sighthounds, excellent vision also gave Azawakhs an advantage when on the prowl. Their strong, hardy bodies were built to withstand the rough terrain and temperatures of West Africa. Over time, the use of firearms lessened the need for Azawakhs as hunters. The diets of dogs hadn't changed much by this time, and dog food for senior Azawakhs looked the same as younger dogs. Today Azawakhs have transitioned from work dogs to family companions.
Get Your Azawakh the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
often independent
occassionallyHelp Your Senior Azawakh Live a Full & Long Life
Accustomed to the brutal temperatures of the Sahara, the Azawakh do not perform well in colder temperatures. The Azawakh may not have lived as long in years past, but it's important to note that your Azawakh can live as long as 15 years or more today. How? The key to helping a senior Azawakh live a full and long life all lies in selecting the best dog food for a senior Azawakh and making sure it gets proper exercise. The average weight of an Azawakh is 44-55 pounds (male), 33-44 pounds (female). If your senior Azawakh is falling outside of that range, you should first consider a better dog food for a senior Azawakh (like the dog food Spot & Tango offers). Then, make sure your dog is getting appropriate exercise.

The Best Dog Food for a Senior Azawakh
High quality dog food packed with fresh, nutritious ingredients is important in keeping Azawakhs healthy. The dietary needs of Azawakhs change throughout their life, making it important to provide dog food appropriate for each unique phase. Growing Azawakh puppies will require more calories than an older dog because of their high activity level. As Azawakhs age, they require less calories and a dog food that targets senior needs. Though Azawakhs are generally a healthy breed, they may experience certain health conditions as they age. Osteoarthritis can affect senior Azawakhs, causing pain and loss of mobility. Senior Azawakhs may also suffer from loose, broken or missing teeth. Because of this state, senior Azawakhs may have difficulty chewing their food and can benefit from a soft, palatable diet. A real difference can be made in slowing the progression of age-related health conditions of Azawakhs by providing a quality diet that is specially formulated to meet these concerns.
Get Your Azawakh the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Azawakh Dog Food
An aging dog of any breed may benefit from a dog food that provides them with the nutrients they need to stay healthy in the years to come. Azawakhs are especially prone to skeletal conditions like hip dysplasia due to their large size, and a high quality dog food rich with fruits, vegetables, and gluten-free grains can prevent this and other ailments. Spot & Tango brings your dog homemade, human grade dog food that is pre-portioned for your Azawakhs weight, activity level, and other physical characteristics. These high quality meals are formulated by animal nutritionists and veterinarians to assure each recipe is packed full of vitamins and minerals your senior Azawakh needs. It also tastes great, and your dog will enjoy every bite. Spot & Tango prepares these meals in small batches over low heat to assure the food retains as many nutrients possible. We package each portion in BPA-free plastic pouches, vacuum seal and flash freeze it for freshness, and we’ll even deliver it right to your door in biodegradable boxes. Visit our website, take our simple quiz, and receive a personalized meal plan for your senior Azawakh.