Border Collie
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- smart
- energetic
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Border Collie

Border Collies are hardy and intelligent dogs that are built to race around the fields and herd sheep, ducks and cattle with great patience and strategy. It is said that the ancestors of the Border Collie were herding dogs brought in by the Romans and Vikings when they invaded Britain. These dog variants were crossed to create the first version of Border Collies. Around those times, you were not likely to see an overweight Border Collie, simply because they had a very active lifestyle supplemented by a balanced diet. The dogs must have been fed on whatever leftovers were available at the farm - free-range chicken, milk, lamb, eggs, organic veggies and so on. Such a clean diet, featuring all the key food groups, kept them alert and fit. This diet must have played a role in Border Collies, even today is considered one of the greatest herders. The food helped them build stamina and muscle that allows them to perform wide outruns. They are also known for their stealthy crouching and creeping and “explosive bursts of focused energy. ” Since they are such great working animals, and a perfect fit for farm life; Border Collies have featured in the hit kids’ movie Babe and its sequel Babe - Pig in the City. The 1970’s classic American show, Little House on the Prairie, also featured a rescued black and white Border Collie. Also, owing to their superior build and agility, they always took top honors at competitive dog shows.
The History of Border Collies and Obesity
In recent years, they have been fed a poor diet of preservative-packed dog food. Being genetically prone to gaining weight, Border Collie owners need to put in sufficient attention to feeding them wholesome meals. A healthy Border Collie is usually 30-55 pounds, anything above that is typically considered overweight. Make sure you consult with your vet to find out why your dog is overweight. Especially with age, the dog has a strong tendency to put on weight. Once these energetic dogs add on the pounds, they suffer from a myriad of health conditions.
Get Your Border Collie the Right Food
very active
brushing 2-3 times a week
wanting to learn
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Border Collies in Modern Times
Chief among possible health conditions is hip dysplasia. Large dogs such as Border Collies tend to be more genetically predisposed to this condition. But since the load of the overweight Border Collie’s physique rests heavily on its hips and that, just as in humans, it can aggravate the conditions of dysplasia. Overweight dogs such as Border Collies are also quite susceptible to diabetes and elbow dysplasia. So, you need to ensure that they are discouraged to beg at the dinner table for scraps and only eat at the designated portions at fixed timings.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Border Collie
What your overweight Border Collie needs is a diet that is low in carbohydrates and fat and high in lean protein and fruits and vegetables. Border Collies that are overweight can be given a fresh, protein-rich diet featuring lamb, turkey, beef, eggs, healthy carbs mixed with fruits, vegetables and supplements. Also, you don’t need to give up on treats altogether, but opt for healthier options such as vegetables or rice cakes. These may not be start off being high-value treats, vis a vis the non-vegetarian alternatives, but your dog will eventually grow to respond to them. You should also try to include more fiber in their diet to ensure that they feel full faster, and thus eat less. Additionally, to keep their body and mind healthy, you need to regularly exercise your overweight Border Collie.
Get Your Border Collie the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Border Collie Dog Food
Our ingredients are all human grade. We don’t fill our food with cheap fillers or potatoes and wheat. Rather, our food is made up of fresh, local meat, fruits, and vegetables. We also use quality carbohydrates that will nourish your Border Collie in a way that is safe and healthy. Our dog food for an overweight Border Collie has been designed by veterinarians and pet nutritionists who know how to balance a healthy diet for your Border Collie. Add to that the fact that our dog food for an overweight Border Collie can often boost energy levels, getting your Border Collie to a healthy weight will be easier than ever. Go online to take our quiz today! It can help us to create a great meal plan for your overweight Border Collie’s individual needs, based on physical attributes such as breed, weight, and gender.