Border Collie
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- smart
- energetic
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Border Collie

Border Collies were supposed to have genetically originated from the hardworking landrace collies that were first domesticated in the British Isles. The word collie is said to have originated from the Celtic word ‘useful’. And true to their name, these high spirited dogs dedicate their lives to their work and family. Ever since the breed first came into existence in the UK, it has been charged with managing livestock. During that period, Border Collies were fed whatever was easily available at the farm, without too much concern on delivering a balanced diet. For the amount of energy they expend running after cattle and the like, it is prudent to ensure that their diet is high in protein and fiber. The protein helps the dog’s body muscles develop and also lead to a better healing process in case of injuries. On the other hand, the high levels of fibre help reduce chances of constipation in the senior. Especially in the case of senior Border Collies, ages six and above, chances are that their dietary requirements were largely ignored. Hence these senior dogs ended up becoming either bloated or emaciated, owing to a high calorie or low protein diet.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Border Collie Health Issues
In contemporary history, Border Collies have been known to ace competitive sheepdog trials in the British Isles. Even senior dogs regularly win agility, and flyball and disc dog competitions, thanks to their superior speed and stamina. Especially considering the degree of continuous training that the dogs need to put in for such events, special care needs to be taken for the senior dogs’ diet. If the trainers were to include a high protein diet they would help keep the senior Borders fit and strong. Border Collies, owing to their loyalty and loveable family dog image, make for great support cast in movies and shows about life on a farm and other children’s content. Two Border Collies were famously featured in the movie Babe and its sequel ‘Babe - Pig in the city”. Bandit, the Border Collie, was also shown in the American western drama television series, Little House on the Prairie. He was showcased as a stray that was adopted, as the second dog of the lead protagonist. These dogs with their long coat and solid build are quite wholesome and huggable, and this is what adds to their allure on the screen. Thus, especially for senior Border Collies to maintain their charming looks and structure, a high protein diet goes a long way.
Get Your Border Collie the Right Food
very active
brushing 2-3 times a week
wanting to learn
seasonallyHelp Your Senior Border Collie Live a Full & Long Life
While Border Collies are known to be tough dogs who can take a few blows from frightened livestock, the hazards of their work can eventually wear them down. Thus senior dogs will need a boost of protein in their diet to help build back the lean muscle they lose with their constant efforts to herd. The protein in their diet will also keep their hair and nails strong, leading to overall better health. They also need enough carbohydrates and treats to help them stay active and continue to perform their work at a steady pace. But, ensure that you don't overdo the treats for it usually tends to result in an overweight dog. Border Collies are known to suffer from hip dysplasia, usually hereditary, which gets more severe with age. This is because constant high-calorie treat-based training leads to them putting on a lot of weight, suddenly. This weight, in turn, causes the hip to eventually give way and leads to lameness. Hence when training this high energy dog, always limit the high calorific rewards. Also, they tend to be prone to renal atrophy. In such a case, the diet should include a well-balanced diet, featuring lowers levels of protein.

The Best Dog Food for a Senior Border Collie
It is important to make your Border Collie dog is on the right diet daily to help keep them healthy and active. Being on the proper dog food throughout the life of a Border Collie dog is very important for their overall health. As a puppy, Border Collie dogs need to be on a high quality dog food formulated to cater to their unique digestive needs throughout the various stages of their life. As, Border Collie dogs mature they need to be on a good high quality dog food to keep up with their active lifestyle and it must be formulated to cater to their unique digestive needs. Border Collie dogs are pretty healthy dogs however they do need to have frequent veterinarian visits to make sure there aren't any environmental or genetic factors that may hinder their health. By providing them with a nutrient-rich dog food formulated for their digestive needs, it can help keep them healthy, especially as they age.
Get Your Border Collie the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Border Collie Dog Food
Senior Border Collies can be the best companions for your family. They are intelligent, high on energy and loyal. Best of all, they are eager to learn and train. So, with the right effort, you can have a dog who is well behaved and can even perform small roles in the house - such as picking up the newspaper or opening doors. But the flipside is that they need to be exercised regularly in order to put their energy to good use. All this exercise would also mean that you need to take special care of their diet. Spot & Tango, ensures that the food your senior dog eats is good enough for you to eat too. Our high-quality human-grade food can be specifically customized for your senior Border Collie. And because we know your senior deserves the best, we locally-sourced and cook their food in small batches to ensure that quality isn't compromised. All you need to do is place an order and the well-balanced diet for your senior Border Collie will be shipped directly to your doorstep. The bespoke formulation for your senior Border Collie can be purchased with a risk-free two-week trial. Once you try it, you are sure to see a difference in the mental and physical health of your beloved senior companion.