Bouvier Des Flandres
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- courageous
- strong-willed
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Bouvier Des Flandres

It is important to understand the caloric needs of a Bouvier Des Flandres Dog so that they receive the right amount of dog food daily especially if they are overweight. Over time as Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs had access to dog foods there became the potential of possibly becoming overweight if they were not receiving a low protein nutrient-rich dog food.
The History of Bouvier Des Flandres and Obesity
Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs originated in Flanders which is known as; France, Belgium and the Netherlands where they have cool summers and moderate winters. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs were recognized in 1931. Bouvier Des Flanders Dogs were used for watch dogs by farmers in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. In the beginning, Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs were used by humans as watch and guardian dogs. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs were also known to work in barnyards and pastures and could do anything except for milking cows of course. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs are at their happiest when they have a job to do whether it is herding stock, guarding or watching property or even babysitting. They love to work. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs are heavy boned and have powerful muscles hidden under their weatherproof coat so their role as watch dogs or guardians were perfect because they were very strong and could guard through any weather even the colder temperatures.
Get Your Bouvier Des Flandres the Right Food
daily brushing
willing to follow
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Bouvier Des Flandres in Modern Times
During the early 1900's dog food wasn't around so Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs ate whatever prey they were able to catch or what their owners feed them in order to survive. Today Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs are known today for guard dogs and police dogs. They also make great family companions. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs make an excellent companion for someone who likes to hike, jog or bike riding. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs have a huge heart and are very intelligent, courageous and strong willed. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs are still very active dogs today, they need a large fenced in area to play and exercise in to keep them in good physical and mental condition. Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs don't have to search for food like they had to in the past because, their owners can feed them a good high quality low in protein dog food daily. Because, there are high quality dog foods today Bouvier Des Flandres Dogs do not need to eat as much as they used to have to eat in earlier times to keep up with their active lifestyle.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Bouvier Des Flandres
Spot & Tango has worked with veterinary nutrition professionals to formulate high-quality dog food that is a superb option for an overweight Bouvier Des Flandres. Spot & Tango puts a high priority on sourcing beef, lamb and turkey from regional New York farmers for each of their dog food recipes. Following their dedication to quality ingredients, Spot & Tango prohibits all antibiotics, preservatives and hormones in each on their recipes. Food dense in nutrients and abundant vitamins can serve to deal with symptoms that your obese Bouvier Des Flandres might be experiencing. Devoted to addressing the propensity for dogs to gain weight today, Spot & Tango only uses select carbohydrates on their veterinary nutritionist-approved dishes. An overweight Bouvier Des Flandres specifically needs to include sufficient leafy greens and fruits in their dog food, which can assist with food digestion and energy levels-- Spot and Tango's dog food has both.
Get Your Bouvier Des Flandres the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Bouvier Des Flandres Dog Food
At Spot & Tango, we have come up with human-grade food that is USDA, animal nutritionist, and veterinarian approved. It is also specially designed to ensure that the health of the Bouvier Des Flandres is factored in. We ensure that our food is low in fat and calorie content while high in protein. This helps an overweight Bouvier Des Flandres lose weight while still getting all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs. It also helps the Bouvier Des Flandres sustain their appetite while keeping the dog fit and in perfect health. We have meal plans that can help serve the unique needs of your overweight Bouvier Des Flandres. We purchase locally-sourced and human-grade food that is prepared in our USDA-approved kitchen. We are dedicated to providing quality food that will leave your Bouvier Des Flandres healthy and happy. Take our quiz today, and find your dog's perfect plan. Spot & Tango ensures that your dog's nutritional needs are fully met by recommending a plan based on your dog’s unique profile.