Cairn Terrier
AKC Grouping
Terrier GroupTemperament
- alert
- cheerful
- busy
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cairn Terrier

The best way to understand the dietary needs of the Cairn Terrier and provide the right type of food for an overweight dog is to observe how the breed has evolved over time. The lifestyle and diet of the modern Cairn Terrier has most likely changed over time, which could relate to dogs of this breed becoming overweight.
The History of Cairn Terriers and Obesity
The Cairn Terrier comes from Scotland, mostly from the Western Highlands, which is considered to be one of the wettest regions in Europe with colder temperatures. The origin of the Cairn Terrier is fairly uncertain but the breed was first named in 1887, where it had been bred by Scotsmen primarily working on farms and game preserves. The Cairn Terrier was originally bred to be an exterminator, hunting out rodents and other small animals. The Cairn Terrier gets its name from a mound of stones referred to as a "cairn" that were used to mark boundaries and graves, where dogs of this breed could easily seek out the rodents that would often live under the stones. When traveling in packs, the Cairn Terrier was also skilled at hunting other predators such as foxes and otters. The small build and short legs of the Cairn Terrier made them especially skilled at digging under rocks and stones in order to hunt rodents and other small vermin.
Get Your Cairn Terrier the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
willing to follow
occassionallyOverweight/Obese Cairn Terriers in Modern Times
Since the Cairn Terrier was bred primarily for hunting rodents, it is a good possibility that dogs of this breed would have eaten of their prey, without much consideration given to a more sophisticated diet by their owners. The Cairn Terrier is known today as a very intelligent and active dog that still carries the instinct to dig when given the opportunity. Farms today that have several Cairn Terriers living on them are typically free of mice and other rodents, due in large part to the breed's incredible skills in exterminating them. Toto, the famous canine character from "The Wizard of Oz" film was actually played by a Cairn Terrier named Terry. While the Cairn Terrier still has a strong instinct today for digging and hunting small animals, many of the breed are desired as lap dogs as they are also very loyal and enjoy close contact with humans. Since the Cairn Terrier was bred specifically for exterminating rodents, in more urban settings as well as areas where rodents are not as common, the Cairn Terrier would not need to search out food, especially when provided easily by their human owners. Due to the lower amount of activity for Cairn Terriers that do not work on large farms and preserves today, they may not need the same amount of food as needed by earlier dogs of the breed that were constantly active.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cairn Terrier
Spot and Tango has terrific dog food to help keep a Cairn Terrier in top form. Spot and Tango use just USDA certified and regionally sourced beef so you know your Cairn Terrier willbe able to eat a great dog food. Spot and Tango makes dog food that does not have hormones or preservatives and is just the very best ingredients. Utilizing Spot and Tango dog food for your obese Cairn Terrier will ensure it eats a high quality food. Spot and Tango uses only carbs to ensure your dog won't consume unneeded fillers in their dog food. Eating the fruit and vegetables in Spot and Tango dog food will assist your Cairn Terrier maintains their ideal weight.
Get Your Cairn Terrier the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Cairn Terrier Dog Food
At Spot & Tango, we have come up with human-grade food that is USDA, animal nutritionist, and veterinarian approved. It is also specially designed to ensure that the health of the Cairn Terrier is factored in. We ensure that our food is low in fat and calorie content while high in protein. This helps an overweight Cairn Terrier lose weight while still getting all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs. It also helps the Cairn Terrier sustain their appetite while keeping the dog fit and in perfect health. We have meal plans that can help serve the unique needs of your overweight Cairn Terrier. We purchase locally-sourced and human-grade food that is prepared in our USDA-approved kitchen. We are dedicated to providing quality food that will leave your Cairn Terrier healthy and happy. Take our quiz today, and find your dog's perfect plan. Spot & Tango ensures that your dog's nutritional needs are fully met by recommending a plan based on your dog’s unique profile.