Cane Corso
AKC Grouping
Working GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- intelligent
- majestic
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cane Corso

Typically, a female Cane Corso will weigh between 88 and 99 pounds. A male Cane Corso will weigh between 99 and 110 pounds. Though smaller than their cousins of several other mastiff varieties, they are still considered large dogs. The American Kennel Club (AKC) says that their weight should match their size and stature. They are known for their muscular build, rather than being stocky as several other mastiff varieties are. If they start to appear stocky, you may have a bigger problem at hand. Your Cane Corso may be becoming overweight. If this is the case, you may want to invest in a dog food that can help your overweight Cane Corsos return to a healthy size.
The History of Cane Corsos and Obesity
Cane Corsos are an ancient breed. Once used as war dogs in Ancient Rome, they later became working dogs. Their jobs could range from guard dog duty to livestock herding, and more. As you can probably guess, they lived very active lives. Today, they are not always kept quite as active, though their energy levels suggest that they should be. The AKC states that, for exercising your Cane Corso, it is imperative that they get a minimum of a mile walk in the morning and again at night. Some dogs may become overweight, particularly if they are not kept active.
Get Your Cane Corso the Right Food
only an occasional bath and brushing
willing to follow
occassionallyOverweight/Obese Cane Corsos in Modern Times
If you believe your dog is overweight, visit your veterinarian. They will be able to give you an accurate assessment of where your dog falls on the scale of healthy weights. More than half of dogs in the United States are considered overweight. However, if you find that is the case, you can begin to remedy that. First, examine your dog’s exercise routine. Is your Cane Corso getting the necessary activity in every day? Also audit your dog’s caloric intake. How much is he or she getting outside of normal meals? Is your dog getting table scraps or treats in excess? It may be time to stop. Additionally, your food choice may be partially to blame. For active dogs like the Cane Corso, a food too high in carbohydrates may be to blame. Many commercial dog foods use cheap fillers containing wheat and gluten—this diet can be fine for helping sedentary dogs. But when your dog is a high performance dog, it can cause a variety of health issues.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cane Corso
Our dog foods contain high quality, fresh ingredients that can help dogs lose weight. It can be hard to find the time to go out and buy dog food regularly when you have hundreds of other errands to run. Likewise, with the high energy needs of your Cane Corso, exercise is yet another demand on your time. This exercise time is enjoyable, of course! Who doesn’t love spending time with their dog? But it can make demands on your time seem that much more drastic. We offer a subscription meal plan where your dog food is shipped directly to your door. No need to go out and buy new food, it’s already at your doorstep!
Get Your Cane Corso the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Cane Corso Dog Food
Spot and Tango has developed reliable and relatable relationships with all our customers. From the beginning we ask a number of questions about your Cane Corso, such as daily activity and things your Cane Corso likes to do or play with. Then we calculate roughly how many calories your Cane Corso may need to maintain a healthy weight. If your Cane Corso is already overweight, we can work with you to create a game plan to help them get back within a healthy weight range. Spot & Tango's dog food for an overweight Cane Corso is made with 100% natural and real ingredients. Recipes such as beef and millet or turkey and quinoa are created with the correct ratios to either get your Cane Corso's weight down or maintain a healthy weight. Sent with a personalized letter and instructions for feeding amounts, Spot and Tango offers an excellent dog food option for overweight Cane Corsos.