Cardigan Welsh Corgi
AKC Grouping
Herding GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- loyal
- smart
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi

In order to understand why the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is prone to becoming overweight it is helpful to take a look at its history and how its role has changed through time. In its earliest days the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was tasked with many different jobs on a farm but now it has happily found its place as a family pet thanks to its wonderful personality.
The History of Cardigan Welsh Corgis and Obesity
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is one of the original breeds from Great Britain and their ancestry goes back at least 3000 years with the possibility of the bloodline going back to 1200 B. C. We know that at least about 1000 years back the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was being used as a herding dog for the Welsh and later on as an all purpose farm dog for the peasants of England during the Middle Ages. This breed makes an excellent herding dog for cattle because of their short legs which keep them close to the ground. This enables them to use the heeling technique for herding and allows them to go in and out among the cattle. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi was accustomed to long hard days taking on the night duty of guarding the flock as well as the day time herding duties. Throughout history the Cardigan Corgi has taken on differing roles including family guard dog, athlete, herder, and watchdog. Besides the build being specifically built for being a terrific farm dog the personality of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is one of fun, loving, and gentleness making them the perfect companion for just about any person.
Get Your Cardigan Welsh Corgi the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
willing to follow
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Cardigan Welsh Corgis in Modern Times
History doesn't tell us what kind of food these dogs would've survived off of but since we know that this breed spent much of its history as a farm working dog we can guess that they would've lived off of game that they found while hunting or even scraps from their owners meals. Today you can find some of these dogs still working on farms but you will most likely see them as a family pet, another role for which they are very well suited. This dog breed is one that loves activity and mental stimulation and does very well around children and other family pets. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi may often be confused with the very similar breed, the Pembrooke Welsh Corgi but the easy difference is that the Cardigan has a tail and the Pembrooke does not. In its role as beloved furry family member even if it is lucky enough to have a large backyard and a doting family the Cardigan is most likely not getting the same activity that is was originally bred to have. We also know that now that it has become a beloved family pet that rather than searching and hunting for its food it is fed with ease and convenience. In this day and age it is very important that as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi's lifestyle has adapted that its diet must adapt with it as well.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Spot & Tango has worked with veterinary nutrition specialists to formulate premium dog food that may help an obese Cardigan Welsh Corgi lose weight. Spot & Tango puts a high priority on sourcing beef, lamb and turkey from local New York farmers for each of their dog food recipes. Following their dedication to quality ingredients, Spot & Tango prohibits all antibiotics, preservatives and hormones in each on their recipes. Food dense in nutrients and abundant vitamins can serve to address symptoms that your overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi may be experiencing. Devoted to attending to the propensity for dogs to put on weight today, Spot & Tango just uses select carbohydrates on their veterinary nutritionist-approved recipes. An overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi can benefit from sufficient leafy greens and fruits in their dog food to help in food digestion and energy levels-- Spot and Tango's dog food has both.
Get Your Cardigan Welsh Corgi the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog Food
At Spot & Tango, we view you and your Cardigan Welsh Corgi as a part of our extended family. And family is incredibly important to us, given that we are family owned and family operated! Our specially formulated food can help an overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi lose weight and our dog foods contain all fresh, human grade, whole ingredients. Your Cardigan Welsh Corgi deserves the best food around, and we believe we can offer that. Every dog is different, and to ensure that your dog gets the best meal plan for them, we offer recommended plans. Be sure to take our online quiz in order to help us create that plan. We use the best of ingredients, with our nutritional levels established by the AAFCO. And, as we know you’re busy, we vow to make your life easier. We offer subscriptions that can ship directly to your door. The frequency of delivery can be varied based on your dog’s diet—and you don’t have to worry about making an extra stop while out shopping to pick up your dog’s food. It will arrive freshly made on your doorstep. Our 100% pure meat with no fillers, and our carefully selected array of fruits and vegetables make our dog food a superb option for an overweight Cardigan Welsh Corgi.