English Springer Spaniel
AKC Grouping
Sporting GroupTemperament
- friendly
- playful
- obedient
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior English Springer Spaniel
As your English Springer Spaniel ages it is very important that they are eating dog food that is specific to their age as senior dogs. In history, the Springer Spaniels most likely did not have access to food that addressed the needs of an aging senior dog.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior English Springer Spaniel Health Issues
The English Springer Spaniel comes from England in the grassy plains of the area where in it's early days it would most likely have survived off of small fowl it helped hunt. The dog was bred to be a gun dog for the English fowl hunters and would use it's stealthy body to sneak up on birds causing them to "spring" into the air. The dogs short legs that kept them close to the ground along with their dense and close coat that protected their skin made them excellent hunting dogs for the terrain. They also possess a loyal and cheerful personality making them easy to love and a good companion for any family. Because of the dog's high intelligence they are easy to train and can socialize very well when trained at an early age appropriately. As time has gone on the dog breed has become more of a family pet than a hunting dog and fits its new role very well. As the role of the Springer Spaniel has changed their diets have also changed. Previous owners were most likely not concerned with the changing needs of their dogs as they aged. Now that the Springer Spaniel is spending less time in the wild and more time among humans it's dietary needs have changed with their new role. With this less active lifestyle the needs of an aging Springer Spaniel are different than they once were and their diet must change accordingly.
Get Your English Springer Spaniel the Right FoodEnergy
a weekly good brushingTraining
wanting to learnShedding
occassionallyHelp Your Senior English Springer Spaniel Live a Full & Long Life
Even though the English Springer Spaniel would have been kept as a hunting dog it was equally loved as a family pet and most likely enjoyed a better diet than that of other hunting dogs as it most likely dined on scraps and leftovers from its family. The English Springer Spaniel may not have lived as long in years past, but it's important to note that your English Springer Spaniel can live as long as 14 years or more today. How? The key to helping a senior English Springer Spaniel live a full and long life all lies in selecting the best dog food for a senior English Springer Spaniel and making sure it gets proper exercise. The average weight of an English Springer Spaniel is 50 pounds (male), 40 pounds (female). If your senior English Springer Spaniel is falling outside of that range, you should first consider a healthy dog food for a senior English Springer Spaniel (like the dog food Spot & Tango offers). Then, make sure your dog is getting appropriate exercise.
The Best Dog Food for a Senior English Springer Spaniel
Making sure that your English Springer Spaniel is getting just the right diet is important to giving them the best quality of life. As your English Springer ages it is important that they are given the proper food and nutrition to fit their changing bodies. As a developing puppy your English Springer Spaniel will need food to fit their quickly changing body that is higher in calories to meet their higher energy levels. As a maturing dog your senior dog food will not need the same amount of calories but will instead need food that supplies the nutrients needed to keep them healthy. Although the Springer Spaniel is a pretty healthy dog certain health conditions need to be watched for as they age including hip dysplasia and eye problems. A diet high in the proper nutrients will help keep these problems at bay and support the aging body. A diet that has the appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A will support eye health as your dog ages. In order to keep the dog from developing stomach issues the dog's fat content must be watched and their diet must contain nutrients that support a low fat diet.
Get Your English Springer Spaniel the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior English Springer Spaniel Dog Food
AFFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles are used to create the recipes for our English Springer Spaniel dog food. Our online quiz specializes a meal plan for your senior English Springer Spaniel using specific lifestyle parameters like activity, weight and other physical characteristics. We have a USDA-approved kitchen at Spot & Tango where all of our meals are prepared using our human-grade ingredients. Each meal we prepare is delivered to your home in only a few days. Consider the nutritional needs of your senior English Springer Spaniel dog and make a decision that could possibly keep them from a vet visit. Take the online quiz today and get a quality Spot & Tango English Springer Spaniel dog food meal sent to your home today.