German Wirehaired Pointer
AKC Grouping
Sporting GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- eager
- enthusiastic
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight German Wirehaired Pointer

It is important to understand the caloric needs of German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs so that you know they are being provided with the right dog food, especially if they are overweight. It may be useful to take a look at their evolution and study them. Over time, German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs no longer had to hunt for their food because they were able to eat dog food provided by their owners however, if their owners did not feed them a good high quality dog food they could have had problems with becoming overweight.
The History of German Wirehaired Pointers and Obesity
German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs originated in Germany and can be traced back to as early as 1880. The climate in Germany consists of being warm during the summer and cold during the winter. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs were used as hunting dogs by hunters. In the beginning, the role of German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs were to hunt various types of birds on land and in water. Because of the German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs coat being weatherproof they are able to work equally in water as well as on land. The coats of German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs are made of harsh wire so helps protect them against any thorny underbrush. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs are a medium sized muscular dog with a sturdy build and because of their weatherproof coats it made their role as bird hunters in water and on land for the humans an excellent fit for them.
Get Your German Wirehaired Pointer the Right Food
very active
a weekly good brushing
wanting to learn
regularlyOverweight/Obese German Wirehaired Pointers in Modern Times
During the late 1800's, German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs probably ate the prey that they hunted, they probably even ate some of the birds they caught or whatever their owners gave them to eat such as; table scraps in order to survive. Today, German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs are known to make loving family companions. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs love running in the great outdoors and are not happy just laying around all day. North American Sportsmen began importing German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs in the 1920's. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs are still an active breed as of today. They love to run and go on long walks or hikes. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs may not have to search out food as often as they had to in the past because now their owners are able to feed them a good high quality nutrient- rich dog food to keep them healthy and active. German Wirehaired Pointer Dogs may not need the same amount of food as they once did because, as family companions, they are not as active as they were when they were hunting birds.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight German Wirehaired Pointer
Spot & Tango has worked with veterinary nutrition professionals to create a high-quality dog food that may help an overweight German Wirehaired Pointer. Spot & Tango puts a high priority on sourcing beef, lamb and turkey from regional New York farmers for each of their dog food dishes. Following their dedication to quality ingredients, Spot & Tango prohibits all antibiotics, preservatives and hormones in each on their dishes. Food dense in nutrients and abundant vitamins can serve to resolve symptoms that your obese German Wirehaired Pointer may be experiencing. Devoted to attending to the propensity for dogs to gain weight today, Spot & Tango just uses select carbohydrates on their veterinary nutritionist-approved dishes. An overweight German Wirehaired Pointer specifically should integrate sufficient leafy greens and fruits in their dog food to assist with food digestion and energy levels-- Spot and Tango's dog food has both.
Get Your German Wirehaired Pointer the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight German Wirehaired Pointer Dog Food
Knowing how important it is for your beloved German Wirehaired Pointer to enjoy a long and healthy life, it's critical to select quality, nutrient dense dog foods. This is especially true if your German Wirehaired Pointer is overweight. Spot & Tango holds itself to the highest standards when developing recipes for dog food. To this end, they follow the recommendations outlined by the Association of American Feed Control Officials in dog food recipes for overweight German Wirehaired Pointers. Understanding the necessity of keen quality control, Spot & Tango cooks all dog food in USDA kitchen facilities using ingredients approved for humans. Spot & Tango believes that quantity is just as important as quality when selecting dog food for your overweight German Wirehaired Pointer. As such, all meals are packaged in carefully measured individual portions and delivered straight to your door. Check out the questionnaire on Spot & Tango's website to determine the precise meal plan for your German Wirehaired Pointer. Treat yourself and your beloved German Wirehaired Pointer to the healthy benefits of Spot & Tango dog food delivered straight to your front door. How easy is that?