AKC Grouping
Foundation Stock ServiceTemperament
- dignified
- alert
- devoted
intelligent and loyalChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Hokkaido

To keep your Hokkaido at their healthiest it is important to know their needs in nutrients and calories especially if they are overweight. We can gain greater insight into these needs by looking at the evolution of the Hokkaido. In the history of the Hokkaido he has seen many changes in the diets of dogs and some of these changes could be contributing to the dog not being kept at a healthy weight.
The History of Hokkaidos and Obesity
The Hokkaio is a Japanese dog from a very cold and rugged region of Japan. The Hokkaio were kept as companions to the Ainu people who used their dogs as working dogs in rugged territories as early as the 1100's. At their earliest, the dogs were kept for their loyalty and hardiness as big game hunters for the Ainu people who were devoted to their dogs. It is thought that the breed was most likely adapted from the other medium hunting breeds found in Japan such as the Akita, Shiba Inu and a few others. In 1937 the Hokkaio was classified as a Living Natural Monument by the Japanese government. The personality and temperament of the dog being one of loyalty, intelligence, and problem solving makes them the perfect companion for a hard working people like the Ainu.
Get Your Hokkaido the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Hokkaidos in Modern Times
As game hunters we can guess that the Hokkaio probably had a diet high in protein since they were most likely eating parts of their hunts and shared meals with their people. Outside of Japan this is a very rare breed, however, in Japan it is estimated that there are between 10,000-12,000. This breed was only entered into the Foundation Stock Service in 2016 making it one of the newest breeds to the AKC. In Japan the breed has gained extra popularity as a mascot for a Japanese telecom company that uses the Hokkaido in its commercials. The Hokkaido no longer is used as much as a hunting god but rather as a family pet and as a guard dog for the home. As the Hokkaio has given up its days of hunting and rather enjoys a home life it no longer has to depend on its hunting instincts to keep it fed but rather just has to go to its food bowl. With the much less active lifestyle that the Hokkaio now enjoys it is important that their diet be adjusted accordingly to make sure they are getting the proper amounts of calories and nutrients.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Hokkaido
Spot & Tango is committed to providing your Hokkaido the greatest quality dog food to promote a healthy weight. Spot & Tango utilizes only locally sourced USDA approved beef, lamb and turkey in their dog foods. By using only locally sourced meats Spot & Tango guarantees that their meats are antibiotic, preservative and hormone free. The premium meats contained in Spot & Tango's dog food are abundant in the proteins that build and repair cartilage and tendons which can help in relieving discomfort related to the muscle strain caused by extreme weight. Feeding your overweight Hokkaido Spot & Tango dog food, which contains gluten-free quinoa, millet, and brown rice, can help to boost their energy and support their digestive system aiding in their weight management. Spot & Tango's recipes include leafy greens and fruits that can assist reduce pain and for strengthening the heart of an overweight Hokkaido.
Get Your Hokkaido the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Hokkaido Dog Food
Spot and Tango has made it their mission to provide dogs everywhere with a dog food that’s delicious, as well as nutritious. Commercially available dog food is often riddled with cheap filler ingredients like excess carbs in the form of potatoes and sugar that can make maintaining a healthy weight more difficult. We refuse to use these unnecessary and detrimental ingredients, opting, instead, for whole, fresh ingredients like 100% real meat, fruits, vegetables, and grains that are fit for consumption by humans. This results in a robust, protein rich diet that contains all of the essential vitamins and nutrients, such as calcium, fiber, vitamin C, and more. In order to provide each dog with the right diet, we need to determine their dietary needs with our proprietary questionnaire that will analyze various factors like the breed, age, and size of your dog in order to provide you with a meal plan suggested for your unique canine companion. Order today, and we’ll send your dog’s food right to your door in sustainable packaging. As a family of dog lovers, we know how important your dog is to you, and we want nothing more to keep your dog full and happy.