Kai Ken
AKC Grouping
Foundation Stock ServiceTemperament
- loyal
- agile
- keen
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Kai Ken

The Japanese Kai Ken may benefit from a very specific diet with measured portions to retain a healthy weight and disposition. The Kai Ken is less active today than were their ancestors and require a lower calorie diet or they risk becoming overweight.
The History of Kai Kens and Obesity
The Kai Ken was discovered in Japan in the 1930s in the Kai Province which boasts a very frigid climate and a rugged terrain. Hunters revered the Kai Ken for its ability to traverse the rugged terrain and successfully hunt wild boar, deer and the occasional bear. In 1933 the Kai Ken was designated as a national monument, This medium sized dog with a stunning coat has enjoyed several starring roles in Japanese films and has become a national treasure. The Kai Ken is very intelligent and easily trained with a firm hand. Great with families, the Kai Ken is especially endeared by children for its playful nature and by parents for its loyalty and affection.
Get Your Kai Ken the Right Food
only an occasional bath and brushing
often independent
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Kai Kens in Modern Times
Left to their own resources, the earlier Kai Ken most likely survived on a high protein diet of hunting spoils and barn vermin. Very agile and an excellent climber, the Kai Ken is known to race through rivers and streams in pursuit of their prey. Sometimes called the Tora Dog for its stunning brindle (tiger striped) coat. A medium sized breed, the male Kai Ken can weigh in at 55 pounds and stand up to 20 inches high. The breed is relatively new to the United States and was only approved by the American Kennel Club in 2010. Today, the rather pampered Kai Ken does not need to hunt much past the family kitchen for their next meal. Given the reduced activity level of the majority of Kai Ken compared to their ancestors, caloric requirements have also decreased. Dog food should be carefully portioned to maintain optimal weight and overall health.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Kai Ken
Spot and Tango has excellent dog food to help keep a Kai Ken in top shape. Spot and Tango utilize just USDA certified and regionally sourced beef so you know for sure your Kai Ken can get great dog food. Spot and Tango makes dog food that does not have hormones or preservatives and is only the best ingredients. Utilizing Spot and Tango dog food for your obese Kai Ken will ensure it only eats the best quality food. Spot and Tango utilizes the very best carbs to ensure your dog will not have unneeded fillers in their diet. Eating the fruit and carbohydrates in Spot and Tango dog food will assist your Kai Ken maintain the very best weight for them.
Get Your Kai Ken the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Kai Ken Dog Food
After consulting your veterinarian about possible causes for your Kai Ken’s overweight issues, the next vital step to ensure that when purchasing dog food that it is USDA approved as well as veterinarian and pet nutritionist approved. At Spot and Tango, we don’t play games when it comes to your dog's food because we are dedicated to providing only the highest quality dog food. When it comes to your overweight Kai Ken, we can suggest a meal plan based on the specific needs of your particular dog breed. Our veterinarians and nutritionist have advanced recipes that are prepared in our USDA-approved kitchen in New York. We only buy the best in locally-sourced human grade food which we use for small batch cooking. Our food is fresh and flash frozen which helps retain more nutrients, and we ship directly to your door in ready-to-serve portions in a matter of days. Spot & Tango is committed to making sure that our dog food is the right fit to ensure that your Kai Ken is active, happy and most importantly, healthy. With our risk-free two-week trial you can easily determine if Spot & Tango is a good fit for your dog’s needs. Kai Kens have given us joy for decades. It is our turn to make sure they receive the very best nutrition possible.