AKC Grouping
Non-Sporting GroupTemperament
- friendly
- lively
- outgoing
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Keeshond

This Dutch breed requires a specific blend of dog food in controlled portions to maintain optimal weight and health. The Keeshond is generally less active today than were its ancestors and as such needs to have its calorie intake monitored to prevent excess weight gain.
The History of Keeshonds and Obesity
The Keeshond traces its heritage to the New River tributaries in Holland. In the 17th century the Keeshond could frequently be seen on watch duty on the barges throughout the waterways in Holland. The Keeshond was the infamous mascot of the rebels fighting against control by the House of Orange. After the House of Orange regained power in Holland, the Keeshond breed nearly disappeared. Baroness Van Hardenbroeck was credited with resurrecting the breed in the 1920s. The Keeshond arrive in the United States in 1923 and was later recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1930.
Get Your Keeshond the Right Food
brushing 2-3 times a week
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Keeshonds in Modern Times
Historically, the Keeshond most likely survived on a diet of small game and bran vermin. The Keeshond is bred as a companion pet and is a beloved member of families across the United States and Europe. The Keeshond requires substantial training as a puppy and only responds to a gentle hand. Properly trained, the Keeshond performs very well as a guide dog for the blind. If not well exercised on a daily basis, the Keeshond will entertain themselves with digging holes and general mischief. Today, the Keeshond generally does not have to search much past the family kitchen for a full meal. Given their reduced activity levels compared to their ancestors, the Keeshond needs to have controlled dog food portions to keep from becoming overweight.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Keeshond
Spot & Tango is a family run and family operated company. When you purchase our dog food, we love to consider you a part of our extended family. As family, we desire the very best food for your Keeshond so that they can have the best chance at a long, healthy, and happy life. Many commercial pet foods are full of fillers and additives that are not particularly useful for a Keeshond's diet. In some cases, that low quality can contribute to a Keeshond being overweight. We utilize nothing but the very best ingredients: human grade food made up of pure meat, vegetables, and fruits. We promise that none of our food consists of gluten, wheat, soy, or artificial flavors.
Get Your Keeshond the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Keeshond Dog Food
Providing the right dog food for your overweight Keeshond is crucial to its health and longevity. Spot & Tango has teamed up with the American Association of Feed and Control Officials (AAFCO), veterinarians, and pet nutritionists to develop the very best nutritionally balanced dog food for your overweight Keeshond. All of our recipes are small-batch cooked in our USDA-approved kitchen in New York to ensure the highest quality meals using only human-grade ingredients. All of our meals are individually packaged and shipped directly to your door in just a few short days for optimal freshness. When you take our online quiz, we will select a meal plan for your Keeshond based on its activity level, physical characteristics, and, of course, weight. When your dog is overweight, it can limit the activities they can engage in and lead to serious medical concerns down the road. By choosing dog food for your overweight Keeshond from Spot & Tango, you are making an investment in your dog's longevity and quality of life.