AKC Grouping
Working GroupTemperament
- courageous
- dignified
- good-natured
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Mastiff
The appeal of the English Mastiff is hard to deny. These dogs are known for their great stature, boasting, on average, the largest sizes of the canine world. Even the largest dog recorded is an English Mastiff from England. Aicama Zorba La Susa was weighed in at 343 pounds and was 37 inches tall and over 8 feet all at the age of 7 years old. Existing claims of larger dogs were never substantiated. Compared to the St. Bernard who has a comparable size and weight, the Mastiff is, on average, bigger and heavier. The comparison to the St. Bernard goes deeper than size and weight, as both are also gentle giants. The Mastiff is known for its docile and friendly temperament. The breed is known for being deeply affectionate toward its owners and easy to get along with. Mastiffs are known only for their size, but also their appearance. They have pronounced jowls and black masks around the eyes and muzzle, and they are a shorthair breed with fur that comes in a limited range of colors. Alongside their larger than average size, their heads are also larger relative to their bodies than most dogs. Their large size necessitates plenty of protein and calcium to develop and maintain strong muscles and bones, and this only becomes more important with age.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Mastiff Health Issues
The English Mastiff can be susceptible to a variety of health problems. For instance, they are prone to both hip and elbow dysplasia, as well as thyroid problems, so these should be tested for upon adopting or purchasing a purebred Mastiff. Similarly, the dog’s large size makes the risk of damaging the growth plates in the joints of developing Mastiffs more likely than the average breed prior to the age of 2 years old. A soft place to sleep is important to avoid arthritis, calluses, and hygroma.
Get Your Mastiff the Right FoodEnergy
only an occasional bath and brushingTraining
willing to followShedding
regularlyHelp Your Senior Mastiff Live a Full & Long Life
Daily exercise is an important part of the canine lifestyle, but it’s even more important for a docile breed like the Mastiff, especially considering the debilitating effects obesity can have on the breed due to the illnesses to which they’re prone. Many of these conditions will also be more likely or simply get worse with advanced age, such as arthritis. Due to the great size of the breed, nursing puppies are at risk of being crushed or smothered by the mother with proper monitoring. A whelping box may also help prevent this from occurring.
The Best Dog Food for a Senior Mastiff
It is important to make sure Mastiff's are getting proper servings of high quality nutritious dog food every day and during the summer months it is important to give them extra water to keep them hydrated. Feeding a Mastiff the right amount of nutrition every day is important for their health and their joints since they are such active dogs. Even as a puppy the Mastiff should be given the proper nutrition dog food preferably one with antioxidant rich formulas that are grain free and all natural it is good for their growth and strengthening their bones and teeth. dog food containing glucosamine, calcium and phosphorous is really good for strengthening of the bones and since Mastiff's are known to have hip issues as they age these are some important ingredients to look for in their food. Mastiff's are known to have issues with their hips as they age due to the excessive amount of running they do in their early years so as they age they need to be given food that has the right amount of nutrition to keep their bones strong. Mastiff's are actually known to be a pretty healthy breed but as they get older they will not only have issues with their hips but their eyesight can become worse and they are prone to get ear infections so proper nutrition daily can help especially with the eye sight. With Mastiff's being such an active healthy breed it is important to make sure they get the proper daily nutrition that their body needs throughout their early years that way when they become a senior their health issues will not be as severe.
Get Your Mastiff the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Mastiff Dog Food
At Spot & Tango, we’re committed to providing your dog with the right food for its unique needs. And this process starts with a questionnaire geared toward pinpointing those needs in order to provide you and your canine companion with a personalized meal plan to address any concerns your dog will face. Our meals are made with all fresh, whole, human grade ingredients, for starters, and we don’t use fillers like sugar that can complicate your dog’s health regimen with things like surprise weight gain. We use 100% real meat to satisfy your dog’s desire for protein, and we provide the other vitamins and nutrients your dog needs with fruits, vegetables, and grains. Our meals are softer and more palatable for senior dogs, and the absence of gluten can make digestion easier, as does the inclusion of plenty of fiber. Vitamin C can boost the immune system, leading to better overall health. Managing weight and bone health is important for senior dogs, as well, and our calcium rich meals will help keep your dog’s bones healthy. Spot & Tango is family owned and operated, so we know that your dog is part of the family and deserves only the best.