Norwich Terrier
AKC Grouping
Terrier GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- loyal
- alert
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Norwich Terrier

The best way to understand the diet necessary for your overweight Norwich Terrier and their necessary nutrients is to take a look at their history. Although much has changed over time concerning our dog's diet it is still important that they are kept at a healthy weight with the proper nutrition.
The History of Norwich Terriers and Obesity
The Norwich Terrier hails from England in the area known as Norwich where it enjoyed a damp and mild climate. The earliest mentions of this breed in England were the 1800's' where they were bred to help control the rat population in Britain. They were also used as pack hunters on fox hunts since they were more sociable than typical terrier breeds. In the 1880's and 1890's the dog found a loving home with Cambridge students were they enjoyed fad status. They were fun and adorable and were effective as chasing away rats from the dorms. Because the breeder that kept the dogs that were supplied to the Cambridge students was on Trumpington Street the breed was known as a Trumpington Terrier for a little while. The Norwich Terrier has the personality perfect for a dual purpose dog with their fearless and courageous hunting skills combined with their affectionate and intelligent ways making them a great pet.
Get Your Norwich Terrier the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
willing to follow
regularlyOverweight/Obese Norwich Terriers in Modern Times
In the beginning of the dog's history these dogs were considered ratters and it is likely that they were surviving off of what they could catch along with possible scraps after dinner from their owners. Today the dog is usually kept as a family pet or as a show dog thanks to its stuffed animal cuddly appearance and fun personality. The breed became famous in American history by a man named "Roughrider" Jones who began breeding the dog in 1914. A popular movie titled "Best in Show" features a Norwich Terrier "Winky" as the star of the movie. Nowadays as a family pet and popular show dog the Norwich Terrier enjoys the pampered life of small American dog. Now that the Norwich Terrier is enjoying a much more relaxed lifestyle they are not usually concerned with searching out their own food and would rather rely on their humans to feed them. With this different lifestyle the dietary needs of the Norwich Terrier may not be the same that they once were and it is important that their diet be specific in the nutrients and calories to fit their lifestyle.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Norwich Terrier
Spot and Tango has terrific dog food to help keep a Norwich Terrier in top form. Spot and Tango use only USDA certified and locally sourced beef so you know for sure your Norwich Terrier will always get the best dog food. Spot and Tango makes dog food that does not have hormones or preservatives and is only the best ingredients. Using Spot and Tango dog food for your obese Norwich Terrier will guarantee it only consumes the best quality food. Spot and Tango use the best carbs to make sure your dog will not have unnecessary fillers in their dog food. Consuming the fruit and carbs in Spot and Tango dog food can help your Norwich Terrier maintain their ideal weight.
Get Your Norwich Terrier the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Norwich Terrier Dog Food
If you want to find the right dog food for your overweight Norwich Terrier to help them lose weight, the first step is investing in a company that cares. The Spot & Tango promise is that your Norwich Terrier will receive food that they need, and food that works for them. When you take the Spot & Tango survey, and fill out questions pertaining specifically to your pet, the algorithm will create a recipe tailored to your pets needs. Every recipe at Spot & Tango is carefully crafted with the help of pet nutritionists, veterinarians and experts in the field. Ensuring the highest quality dog food isn’t an easy task, but Spot & Tango has made it happen with incredibly high quality food tailored to your pets needs, without breaking the bank. The recipes focus on high protein, with USDA approved turkey, lamb, and beef, approved for human consumption. Invest in your overweight Norwich Terrier's health today with Spot & Tango, and give them the possibility of a longer and healthier life.