Norwich Terrier
AKC Grouping
Terrier GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- loyal
- alert
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Norwich Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach

The selection of the appropriate dog food for your Norwich Terrier is vital to their health, especially when they have a sensitive stomach. Maintaining a quality dog food diet designed for the Norwich Terrier is important for their overall health and to prevent stomach problems. It's imperative that the Norwich Terrier not be given any table scraps, nor any food designed solely for humans. Feeding a high-quality dog food to your Norwich Terrier is an important step in helping them when they're troubled with a sensitive stomach. It's thought that, historically, the Norwich Terrier likely had a diet made up of mostly table scraps.
The History of Norwich Terriers with a Sensitive Stomach
Originating in the United Kingdom, the Norwich Terrier is a breed of dog bred to hunt small vermin or rodents. Norwich Terriers were utilized in the stable yards to catch rats, on fox hunts, and as family companions. Norwich Terriers are one of the smallest breeds of working Terriers. Weighing less than ten pounds and measuring less than twelve inches, Norwich Terriers are perfect for getting into those small spaces in stables to catch vermin. Additionally, the small size of Norwich Terriers made them great for keeping farm fields clear of small predators. Given that Norwich Terriers often hunted in fields, their diet consisted of mostly small rodents high in protein. Norwich Terriers have a tendency overeat, so it is very likely that this high protein diet of rodents resulted in several digestive sensitivities.
Get Your Norwich Terrier the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
willing to follow
regularlyA Norwich Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach in Modern Times
Today, Norwich Terriers are primarily companion dogs, but be aware they need a lot of exercise. Despite being small, Norwich Terriers are agile and fearless, which makes them very good jumpers. The Norwich Terrier thrives off human companionship and will work for treats. Its portable size made it an official mascot of Cambridge students in the United Kingdom, since they could keep them in their dorms. Today, dog owners are lucky to have well-qualified veterinarians that can diagnose sensitive stomach concerns and make suggestions for suitable dog foods. In some instances, a canine's delicate stomach could be brought on by a lack of specific minerals, vitamins, nutrients, or perhaps fiber in their pet food. Sadly, industrial dog food brands are not legally bound to divulge details about the quality or grade of ingredients on their dog food labels. This can make selecting the ideal diet for your pet more of a guess than a science.

The Best Dog Food for a Norwich Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach
It is necessary to get regular veterinarian care and to learn what medical causes there are for your pet's sensitive stomach. When you want to determine what it is that your Norwich Terrier should eat, Spot & Tango provides a solution. Spot & Tango will provide you a list of ingredients in our meals. This will let you make informed choices for your Norwich Terrier. All of Spot & Tango's meals are made in an USDA-certified cooking area, with human-grade turkey, lamb or beef. It is always locally sourced and does not contain growth hormones, preservatives or artificial ingredients of any kind. Spot & Tango's meals are gluten, wheat and soy-free, which can help avoid a sensitive stomach in your pet. These meals include lots of fruits and vegetables that provide fiber, vitamins and minerals, in proportions just right for your Norwich Terrier. When feeding your Norwich Terrier with a sensitive stomach, you should know that Spot & Tango’s meals could help.
Get Your Norwich Terrier the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Norwich Terrier Sensitive Stomach Dog Food
At Spot and Tango, our veterinarians and pet nutritionists have specially formulated meals to match the nutritional levels mandated by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). All recipes are safely cooked in our USDA-approved kitchen in small batches and at low temperatures to preserve quality and flavor. It's easy to find the right food for your dog by taking our online quiz. We will help customize a dog food plan for your Norwich Terrier based on physical characteristics, activity level and weight. Spot and Tango is dedicated to providing the proper nutrition for your dog to ensure that they lead a happy and healthy life. Prevent painful symptoms in your Norwich Terrier by providing meals that offer relief and improve overall health. Your Norwich Terrier doesn't have to suffer from a sensitive stomach. Help your dog enjoy life with healthy meals from Spot and Tango.