AKC Grouping
Toy GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- loyal
- regal in manner
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Pekingese

In order for us to understand the specific caloric needs of the Pekingese and why it is important to provide the right dog food for your overweight Pekingese we can take a look at their long and interesting history. The Pekingese, one of the oldest known dog breeds, has seen much change in its history including the change of their diets. Some of these changes could be contributors to an overweight dog.
The History of Pekingeses and Obesity
The Pekingese comes from China where it remained for most of its history and was regarded as a royal dog by Chinese royalty. The dog's history is so ancient that legend tells that Buddha actually created the Pekingese by shrinking down a lion and making him a dog. The Pekingese, unlike most other breeds which were originally work dogs, has enjoyed the royal life for as long as history tells. It wasn't until 1860 that the western world even knew about the Pekingese because they were so well guarded by Chinese emperors. The Chinese emperors thought so highly of their Pekingese that stealing one was a crime punishable by death. This toy breed was the perfect size to be carried around by it's humans and it's loving personality make them enjoyable to be around. Their long facial hair, that resembles a lion's mane, gives them a royal appearance.
Get Your Pekingese the Right Food
brushing 2-3 times a week
typically stubborn
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Pekingeses in Modern Times
Knowing that the Pekingese was not a working dog breed at all leads us to believe that they have long lost their hunting instinct and were most likely fed a royal diet of the best that the palace had to offer. In 1860 when the British invaded China the emperor's had killed off all of their beloved Pekingese rather than see them taken by their enemies. However, 5 dogs were hidden and were taken back to England as a gift for the queen. From England they were brought to America in the 1890's where they were entered into the AKC by the early 1900's. During the sinking of the Titanic only three dogs survived and one of the three was a Pekingese. The Pekingese has not lost it's royal attitude and still enjoys being the companion of a family who will pamper them. The breed has seen some changes in it's diet thanks mainly to the invention of commercial dog food and it's diet may not be as pure and fresh as it once was. In today's culture the Pekingese has specific dietary needs that must be considered along with the caloric amounts they are given.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Pekingese
It is essential that a Pekingese is provided the correct quantity of food for every meal. Spot and Tango's dog food for obese Pekingeses helps do just that. The veterinarians and animal nutritional experts at Spot and Tango work together to develop the correct balance of nutrients your Pekingese needs so they do not overindulge and end up being obese.
Get Your Pekingese the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Pekingese Dog Food
Finding the right dog food for an overweight Pekingese can be incredibly difficult. This is especially true because the number one most important factor in high quality dog food, which is high quality protein and natural ingredients, is often difficult to find in commercial dog food brands. These brands and their inexact measurements for the amount of food to feed your Pekingese, can lead to many health issues down the line. If you’re looking for the highest quality Pekingese dog food for an overweight Pekingese, Spot & Tango has crafted delicious meals using only the best ingredients. Every meal is recommended to meet your dog's specific needs, with our patented questionnaire and algorithm that suggests a recipe for your specific Pekingese. Every single meal comes with locally sourced USDA-approved beef, lamb, and turkey, which are all approved for human consumption. Spot & Tango cares about your dogs health, which is why we have on-boarded a team of vet nutritionists, veterinarians, and the Association of American Feed Control Officials to develop recipes with key vitamin and mineral requirements to keep your Pekingese happy and healthy for longer. When you order, every meal is packaged individually to your Pekingeses needs, so you won’t have to guess at how much they’ll need, which can help with weight loss and maintenance. It’s time to invest in your overweight Pekingese today and try Spot & Tango for the highest quality and most nutritious meals!