AKC Grouping
Toy GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- loyal
- regal in manner
somewhat reservedChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Pekingese with a Sensitive Stomach

Pekingese owners know the importance of providing the right dog food, not only for the breed, but also should the Pekingese have sensitive stomach issues. Sensitive stomach symptoms being noticed with a Pekingese can have many different sources. Step one in getting a Pekingese beyond their sensitive stomach issues is to use a high-quality dog food. Historically, prioritizing the health and diet of the Pekingese just didn't happen. They ate table scraps or whatever small creatures they could find.
The History of Pekingeses with a Sensitive Stomach
The Pekingese is a Chinese toy breed with a history dating back to the late 19th century. The Pekingese was a breed for nobility and could only be owned by members of the Chinese Imperial Palace. Legend suggests that this breed was a cross between a monkey and a lion gaining both an air of nobility and a gawky gate. For centuries the Pekingese has been revered as a regal companion, lap dog and subject of much conversation among royalty. A Chinese Empress presented a Pekingese to Theodore Roosevelt's daughter who named it Manuchu. No doubt the earlier Pekingese survived on a diet of table scraps and barn vermin. This would have proven nutritionally inadequate for those Pekingese suffering from sensitive stomach issues.
Get Your Pekingese the Right Food
brushing 2-3 times a week
typically stubborn
seasonallyA Pekingese with a Sensitive Stomach in Modern Times
Today, the Pekingese is still charged with ridding palaces and temples of evil demons with his fierce determination. This diminutive breed weighs in at less than 9 pounds and stands at a mere 6 to 8 inches tall. In 1906 the American Kennel Club first recognized the Pekingese breed. One of the highest risks for death for this small breed is trauma. This can include shock, fear or sudden jarring movement.

The Best Dog Food for a Pekingese with a Sensitive Stomach
Your trusted veterinarian will be best suited to diagnose potential causes for your Pekingese's sensitive stomach. Spot & Tango works together with you and your veterinarian to identify the most suited dog food for your Pekingese with a sensitive stomach. Spot & Tango eliminates all the guesswork in selecting dog food by including every ingredient, source and other important details found in our recipes on our website. Knowing the role that healthy ingredients play in developing dog food recipes, Spot & Tango ensures all of our locally sourced beef, lamb & turkey is free of all growth hormones, preservatives and artificial ingredients. Pekingeses with sensitive stomach issues especially need the high-quality carbohydrates included in the Spot & Tango recipes. Not unlike humans, Pekingeses need a healthy portion of leafy greens and fruits in their diets to aid indigestion and provide critically needed vitamins and nutrients. Owners can have peace of mind knowing that the recipes developed for a Pekingese with a sensitive stomach by Spot & Tango are composed of healthy, locally sourced ingredients.
Get Your Pekingese the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Pekingese Sensitive Stomach Dog Food
Following the guidelines developed by the American Association of Feed Control Officials and their own team of pet nutritionists, the recipes from Spot & Tango can greatly help your Pekingese enduring sensitive stomach issues. Cooked in small batches in USDA approved kitchens, Spot & Tango recipes can be shipped straight to your front door. Check out the questionnaire on the spot & Tango website. We try to take the guess work out of selecting the appropriate dog food for your Pekingese with a sensitive stomach. Activity levels, age and general health are key factors Spot & Tango addresses when developing dog food meals for each dog in order to eliminate and/or minimize symptoms of a sensitive stomach. Spot & Tango dog food is likely just what your Pekingese needs to help alleviate the symptoms of a sensitive stomach and for overall optimal wellness. When you order Spot & Tango dog food, not only will you have the confidence that you have the highest quality of ingredients for your Pekingese, but you'll also have the convenience of front door delivery. How easy is that?