AKC Grouping
Toy GroupTemperament
- inquisitive
- bold
- lively
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Pomeranian
You might assume that the never ending energy level of your Pomeranian means he’s in need of a continuous flow of dog food. Not so fast. Not only does overfeeding lead to obesity issues for Pomeranians, but it can also trigger a host of other health problems. Historically known for keeping members of the royal court entertained, this breed has survived for over a century due in part to the fact that their savvy owners were able to limit dog food portions. A healthy diet contributes to their keen mental acuity and even allows them to act as guide dogs for the hearing impaired. Generally topping out at a whopping 7 pounds, anything over this weight may well be cause to rethink dog food portions. Check out the questionnaire at Spot & Tango for professional recommendations on quality and quantity of dog food based on your Pomeranian’s age, weight and activity level. Couple this with regularly scheduled checkups with your trusted veterinarians and your fluffy little Pomeranian should be dancing at your feet for a good 12-16 years.
The History of Pomeranians and Obesity
We know all too well that diet, exercise and strong relationships are the basis for preventive medicine for humans. This same philosophy applies to your adorable Pomeranian. Should you detect changes in energy levels, stool or urine, or dog food consumption, be sure to check in with your veterinarian. Some Pomeranians have a tendency towards luxating patellas - kneecaps that may slip. Maintaining proper weight and calorie intake can reduce the chances of this occurring.
Get Your Pomeranian the Right FoodEnergy
brushing 2-3 times a weekTraining
willing to followShedding
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Pomeranians in Modern Times
Taking daily walks will go a long way towards keeping both you and your Pomeranian healthy. Consider investing in a harness in lieu of a collar. The trachea in Pomeranians is very delicate and one quick jerk of the leash could cause it to collapse or be damaged.
The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Pomeranian
If you use walks as an opportunity to train your Pomeranian - go easy on the treats. These can have a large calorie count and over time lead to obesity issues. Have plenty of water available throughout the day - not just when returning from walks. Hydration is important for Pomeranians that are facing obesity. They should be encouraged to enjoy fresh water throughout the day to keep hunger at bay and not dance around an empty dog food bowl. Finally, be sure to keep table food away from your delicate Pomeranian. Grapes, garlic and chocolate can actually be poisonous.
Get Your Pomeranian the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Pomeranian Dog Food
The healthiest dog food for an overweight Pomeranian is the driving motivator at Spot & Tango. It isn't just about the proper quantity of food for an overweight Pomeranian, it is about the best quality proteins and human-grade ingredients, too. At Spot & Tango we locally source our USDA-certified meats, because we highly value your Pomeranian. To ensure our meats are the best, we only source meats free of antibiotics, preservatives and hormones. Our recipes may alleviate arthritis in an overweight Pomeranian. We also use healthy grains like quinoa which aides good digestion. Other nutrients in our dog food for an overweight Pomeranian come from fruits like blueberry, apple and dried cranberry which increases urinary tract health. Take Spot & Tango's online quiz today and discover what a personalized meal plan can do for your overweight Pomeranian. Each meal plan is prepared in an USDA-approved kitchen and individually portioned then packaged for delivery to your door. Take a giant step towards the happiness of your beloved Pomeranian today by getting a Spot & Tango veterinary formulated Pomeranian meal plan today.