Saint Bernard
AKC Grouping
Working GroupTemperament
- playful
- charming
- inquisitive
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is often a playful, charming and inquisitive breed. Their demeanor is often times described as friendly. But as the dog ages and reaches its senior years, their temperament can become less predictable. While a Saint Bernard typically needs regular exercise, as they get older their energy levels tend to gradually fade which can lead to obesity. A dutiful owner of a Saint Bernard should take time to find the right dog food for a senior Saint Bernard to help keep energy levels up and their weight controlled.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Saint Bernard Health Issues
It was in 1690 that the first reference was found to the Saint Bernard breed even though the reference was made in a manor that made it clear that the breed had been present in the Alps of Switzerland and Italy. Saint Bernard’s originally had several roles among their human counterparts such as guard dogs, draft dogs, herding dogs, and as farm dogs. Working on the farm the Saint Bernard’s were able to perform many tasks due to their size, strength and train-ability. The Saint Bernard’s stature creates an intimidating presence to the predators of these areas making them a good fit as a guard dog. Their stature also enabled the Saint Bernard’s to be able to work as draft dogs with ease. More than likely, a Saint Bernard’s diet would have consisted of scraps and the vermin that they would catch on the farms and in the pastures. For a dog with a sensitive stomach, living off of scraps would not have helped ease the pain or discomfort related to having a sensitive stomach.
Get Your Saint Bernard the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
willing to follow
an awful lotHelp Your Senior Saint Bernard Live a Full & Long Life
Dog food wasn't a priority during the early days of the St. Bernard so they were likely fed a diet of table scraps and leftovers. The Saint Bernard may not have lived as long in years past, but it's important to note that your Saint Bernard can live as long as 10 years or more today. How? The key to helping a senior Saint Bernard live a full and long life all lies in selecting the best dog food for a senior Saint Bernard and making sure it gets proper exercise. The average weight of a Saint Bernard is 140-180 pounds (male), 120-140 pounds (female). If your senior Saint Bernard is falling outside of that range, you should first first consider a better dog food that’s healthier for a senior Saint Bernard (like the dog food Spot & Tango offers). Then, make sure your dog is getting appropriate exercise.

The Best Dog Food for a Senior Saint Bernard
High quality dog food packed with fresh, nutritious ingredients is important in keeping Saint Bernards healthy. The dietary needs of Saint Bernards change throughout their life, making it important to provide dog food specially formulated to help them get the proper nutrients in each unique phase of life. Growing Saint Bernard puppies will require more calories than an older dog because of their higher activity level. As Saint Bernards age, they require less calories and a dog food that targets senior Saint Bernard needs. Though Saint Bernards are generally healthy, they may experience certain health conditions as they age. Osteoarthritis can affect senior Saint Bernards, causing pain and loss of mobility. Senior Saint Bernards may also suffer from loose, broken or missing teeth. Because of this state, senior Saint Bernards may have difficulty chewing their food and can benefit from a soft, palatable diet. A real difference can be made in slowing the progression of age-related health conditions of Saint Bernards by providing a quality dog food that is nutrient-rich to meet these concerns.
Get Your Saint Bernard the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Saint Bernard Dog Food
Spot & Tango are a family owned and operated business, and our dogs are a part of that family, just as your canine companion is a part of yours. As such, we pride ourselves on providing dog food designed with the help of health care professionals to provide comprehensive canine nutrition. But, every dog of every breed, and age group has different needs, and so we provide a questionnaire to help us pinpoint your dog’s specific needs in order to provide a personalized meal plan unique to your dog. Our meals are made with only whole, fresh, human grade ingredients, including 100% real meat for the protein rich diet dog’s crave. We also provide fruits, vegetables, and grains that contain vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and more of the essential vitamins and nutrients your dog needs.