AKC Grouping
Non-Sporting GroupTemperament
- confident
- alert
- curious
alert and responsiveChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Schipperke with a Sensitive Stomach

Though always true of the Schipperke, should your Schipperke have a sensitive stomach issue, it's critical that their diet be selected with care. Sensitive stomach symptoms being noticed with a Schipperke can have many different sources. Step one in getting a Schipperke beyond their sensitive stomach issues is to use a high-quality dog food. Historically, the Schipperke devoured small animals and ate table scraps from its owner.
The History of Schipperkes with a Sensitive Stomach
The Schipperke dog breed can be traced back to the 1600s in Belgium, and later mention is made of them, officially, in the 1800's in England. While the Schipperke's first role was that of herding dog, they became a central part of the docks in Belgium, working as ratters and guard dogs on the ships and canals. As a matter of fact, a debate exists around the name, "schipperke. " Some believe it derives from Flemmish, and means "Little Captain", while others claim the name means "little shephard", both nodding to their important roles among humans. Schipperke inherently have an urge to chase after small animals, and are rather agile, which made them ideal for catching vermin on the docks and onboard ships. Schipperke also have a rather significantly loud bark in comparison to their small size, which make them excellent watch dogs. In the 1600s in Belgium, one can assume that ship captains and dock workers cared more about cargo and boats, and not as much about the dog food they were giving their Schipperke dog. These little helpers more than likely had as dog food whatever they could catch on ships or among crates and boxes, which would not have been very consistent. By and large, eating rats, mice, and other small pests in the shipyards may not have been the healthiest, or germ-free diet for these "Little Captains".
Get Your Schipperke the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
often independent
seasonallyA Schipperke with a Sensitive Stomach in Modern Times
The Schipperke breed today is known today as a family pet with a very distinctive personality. As a matter of fact, they are commonly referred to as "Little Black Devils", because they are extremely protective of their families, have an intimidating bark, and while affectionate and loving, can be very mischievous. The Schipperke were used during WWII by the Belgian resistance to run messages between camps without alerting the Nazis— it worked! Schipperke dogs made a guest appearance in the 42004 movie, “Two Brothers”, and were also mentioned in the short story, “A Borderline Case”, written by Daphne Du Maurier. As caring and experienced as owners are it can still be bothersome to find the proper dog food for a dog with a sensitive stomach. An improper diet can add to aggravating sensitive stomach signs for dogs with a sensitive stomach. It's crucial they receive a sufficient day-to-day supply of vitamins and minerals in order to help keep sensitive stomach symptoms at bay. Sadly, big brand name pet food labels are not required to share particular details about the quality of the ingredients in their dog food, especially the kinds of meat that they use. Given the limited information readily available about many dog food ingredients, it can become progressively difficult, and frustrating for dog owners to select appropriate dog food brands for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

The Best Dog Food for a Schipperke with a Sensitive Stomach
It is important to get regular vet care and to learn what medical causes there are for your Schipperke's sensitive stomach. When you need to see what it is that your Schipperke ought to eat, Spot & Tango offers a solution. Spot & Tango will provide you a list of ingredients in our meals. This will let you make informed decisions for your Schipperke. All of Spot & Tango's meals are made in an USDA-certified cooking area, with human-grade turkey, lamb or beef. It is always locally sourced and does not contain growth hormones, preservatives or artificial ingredients of any kind. Spot & Tango's meals are gluten, wheat and soy-free, which can help prevent a sensitive stomach in your Schipperke. These meals include all sorts of fruits and vegetables that supply fiber, minerals and vitamins, in proportions just right for your pet. When feeding your Schipperke with a sensitive stomach, you should know that Spot & Tango’s meals could help.
Get Your Schipperke the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Schipperke Sensitive Stomach Dog Food
Following the guidelines developed by the American Association of Feed Control Officials and their own team of pet nutritionists, the recipes from Spot & Tango can greatly help your Schipperke enduring sensitive stomach issues. Cooked in small batches in USDA approved kitchens, Spot & Tango recipes can be shipped straight to your front door. Check out the questionnaire on the spot & Tango website. We try to take the guess work out of selecting the appropriate dog food for yourSchipperke with a sensitive stomach. Activity levels, age and general health are key factors Spot & Tango addresses when developing dog food meals for each dog in order to eliminate and/or minimize symptoms of a sensitive stomach. Spot & Tango dog food is likely just what your Schipperke needs to help alleviate the symptoms of a sensitive stomach and for overall optimal wellness. When you order Spot & Tango dog food, not only will you have the confidence that you have the highest quality of ingredients for your Schipperke, but you'll also have the convenience of front door delivery. How easy is that?