Treeing Tennessee Brindle
AKC Grouping
Foundation Stock ServiceTemperament
- alert
- friendly
- intelligent
friendly and outgoingChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle

Just like with humans if you don't exercise daily and you over eat you will become obese it is the same for your beloved Treeing Tennessee Brindle. Since Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs originated in the 1960's they didn't have to hunt their food as much however there are a lot more options in dog food on the shelves that can be a big concern for obesity if the owners do not feed them the appropriate food and amounts needed.
The History of Treeing Tennessee Brindles and Obesity
The Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs originated in the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains in the United States. The Ozark Mountains are known to be warm and wet while the Appalachian Mountains are cool and mild in temperature. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs have been used by hunters for treeing prey. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are hunting dogs that force their prey to climb up trees. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs have beautiful voices and are known to sing while they are hunting. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are laid back and great around children. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are lanky dogs with lean muscles and slightly loose skin. The have an attractive brindle coat that makes them stand out from other breeds. Since Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs have only been known to be around since the 1960's, they likely ate dog food or some of the prey they would chase up trees.
Get Your Treeing Tennessee Brindle the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
occassionallyOverweight/Obese Treeing Tennessee Brindles in Modern Times
Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are a newer breed so they probably have always eaten dry dog food and occasionally their prey that they chased up trees. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are still known for treeing which is the name of hunting that they do. They force their prey to climb up trees by barking and chasing them. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs love being outside and would be great companions when hiking and camping. The phrase "Barking up the wrong tree" actually emergency from the instincts of the Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs have a tendency to bark a lot so when training them you may want to train them on the "hush" command. As of today Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are still treeing dogs and still chase their prey up trees. They are also great family dogs. Since Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are a newer breed they didn't have to search for their food. Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dogs are an active breed so it is best to feed them a dog food that is formulated for active dogs, preferably ones that are high in protein. If they do not exercise daily be careful not to over feed them because they may become obese.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle
Spot & Tango is a family run and family operated service. When you buy our dog food, we love to consider you a part of our extended family. As family, we want the very best food for your Treeing Tennessee Brindle so that they can have the very best opportunity at a long, healthy, and happy life. Numerous industrial dog foods are full of fillers and ingredients that are not particularly useful for a Treeing Tennessee Brindle's diet. Sometimes, that poor quality can add to a Treeing Tennessee Brindle being obese. We use nothing but the very best ingredients: human grade food comprised of pure meat, veggies, and fruits. We promise that none of our food consists of gluten, wheat, soy, or artificial flavors.
Get Your Treeing Tennessee Brindle the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dog Food
At Spot & Tango, we offer human-grade food that is USDA, pet nutritionist and veterinarian approved. The dog food is designed to ensure the health of the Treeing Tennessee Brindle is put as the utmost consideration. The amount of calorie intake is regulated for your overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle by portion sizes. We have high protein content to help in the growth of muscles ensuring your overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle appropriately returns to being fit and in perfect shape. We have meal plans that can help serve the unique needs of your Treeing Tennessee Brindle. We purchase locally-sourced and human-grade food that is prepared in our USDA kitchen. We are dedicated to providing healthy food for your dog. Take our quiz today, and find your dog’s suggested plan. Spot & Tango ensures your dog’s nutritional needs are met by recommending a plan based on your dog’s unique profile. An ideal meal plan for your overweight Treeing Tennessee Brindle will be provided on our website.