AKC Grouping
Sporting GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- gentle
- energetic
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for an Overweight Vizsla

As companions of the early warlords and barons, Vizsla blood was preserved pure for centuries by the land-owning aristocracy who guarded them jealously and continued to develop the hunting ability of these “yellow pointers. ” Records of letters and writings show the high esteem in which Vizsla was held. The Vizslas faced and survived near-extinction in their history, including being overrun by English pointers. The breed then rose from a minimum stock to prominence once again. In the U. K. the breed is among the top 50 most popular. The number is steadily rising year after year as many people recognize the breed. In popular culture, the breed has been kept as a pet by many including the former White House secretary and co-host of “The Five,” Dana Perino. The Vizsla is easy to train as long as training begins as early as puppyhood. This is due to their intelligent and independent nature.
The History of Vizslas and Obesity
Vizslas were bred to be active hunting dogs, and they need both physical and mental activity. Individual dogs’ needs vary, but in general, owners should plan on a minimum of 30 minutes of active exercise daily, and some days will need more than that. In addition to leash walks and games of fetch, most Vizslas need opportunities to run hard-off leash regularly. Mental exercise is as vital as physical activity, so training should be part of their routine. Vizslas can be a great running or jogging companions, with the exception that young dogs should not run long distances until they reach maturity at about 18 to 24 months. Older Vizslas typically remain active and playful. Vizslas are generally a healthy breed when the right dog food is given. Always consult with a professional to ensure the food you give your dog contains the right ingredients.
Get Your Vizsla the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
wanting to learn
seasonallyOverweight/Obese Vizslas in Modern Times
Vizslas are dogs that thrive on attention. They are a sensitive breed so early, and ongoing socialization is essential to make sure the dog has the confidence to enjoy various activities. Any diet for a Vizsla should generally be appropriate to its age. Most Vizslas have a great appetite for food. Vizslas are prone to being overweight if their diet and exercise are not monitored. Obesity, just like in human beings, has a serious health effect on dogs. These include heart diseases, disability, and reduced life expectancy. Added weight also affects movement, mood, and energy for play. It is important to be careful of the dog food that is fed to an overweight Vizsla. The fat and calorie content should be low, and it’s always vital to buy four dog food from an established and approved agent. Other ways of keeping your Vizslas in perfect health is to keep him/her active, which is their cup of tea and limit their treats.

The Best Dog Food for an Overweight Vizsla
It is very important that a Vizsla is offered the correct amount of food for every single meal. Spot and Tango's dog food for obese Vizslas does simply that. The veterinarians and animal nutritional experts at Spot and Tango collaborate to develop the right balance of nutrients your Vizsla requirements so they do not overeat and become obese.
Get Your Vizsla the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Overweight Vizsla Dog Food
Finding the right dog food for an overweight Vizsla can be incredibly difficult. This is especially true because the number one most important factor in high quality dog food, which is high quality protein and natural ingredients, is often difficult to find in commercial dog food brands. These brands and their inexact measurements for the amount of food to feed your Vizsla, can lead to many health issues down the line. If you’re looking for the highest quality Vizsla dog food for an overweight Vizsla, Spot & Tango has crafted delicious meals using only the best ingredients. Every meal is recommended to meet your dog's specific needs, with our patented questionnaire and algorithm that suggests a recipe for your specific Vizsla. Every single meal comes with locally sourced USDA-approved beef, lamb, and turkey, which are all approved for human consumption. Spot & Tango cares about your dogs health, which is why we have on-boarded a team of vet nutritionists, veterinarians, and the Association of American Feed Control Officials to develop recipes with key vitamin and mineral requirements to keep your Vizsla happy and healthy for longer. When you order, every meal is packaged individually to your Vizslas needs, so you won’t have to guess at how much they’ll need, which can help with weight loss and maintenance. It’s time to invest in your overweight Vizsla today and try Spot & Tango for the highest quality and most nutritious meals!