AKC Grouping
Sporting GroupTemperament
- affectionate
- gentle
- energetic
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a Senior Vizsla

The Vizslan is a versatile, red-coated gundog built for long days in the field. For centuries, these rugged but elegant athletes have been the pride of Hungarian sportsmen, and their popularity in American increases with the passing year. Recognized by his sleek golden-rust coat, the Vizsla can stand between 21 to 24 inches at the shoulder and are the picture of a lean, light-footed hunter’s companion. The long silky ears frame a facial expression that is sensitive and loving around the house and intense when at work. Athletes of many talents, Vizslas, excel at various sports and activities. They are eager and graceful trotters of great stamina, making them ideal jogging or biking companions. The Vizslan is a medium –to large –sized breed with a lean build. The Vizslas thrive on attention exercise and interaction. They are intelligent dogs and need a lot of mental stimulation when young. If left alone for long hours, they can be bored destructive. With proper socialization and training, Vizslas are very gentle dogs that can be great around children. The Vizsla wants to be as close to its owner as much as possible making them a popular choice among many dog lovers.
How Breed History Plays a Role in Senior Vizsla Health Issues
Vizslas are generally a healthy breed. A typical lifespan is about 12 to 15 years. The Vizsla is considered to be a robust dog, but some localized breeding programs using a small number of dogs have led to heritable illnesses in some offspring. As in all breeds and mixed breeds, cancers are a common concern. Responsible breeders screen their stock for health conditions such as seasonal allergies, eye disorders including melanosis, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and ear infections. To be careful, do your homework early ahead of time for the best odds of producing healthy sound pups.
Get Your Vizsla the Right Food
a weekly good brushing
wanting to learn
seasonallyHelp Your Senior Vizsla Live a Full & Long Life
Any diet should be appropriate for the dog’s age. A senior Vizsla most definitely may benefit from a diet tailored to their age. As your Vizsla gets older, his metabolism might slow down, and his risk for food allergies increases. A high-quality and digestible diet is essential as is lower calorie content. The dog food can either be homemade or commercially manufactured. It is easy to get a healthy diet plan for your dog at Spot & Tango. Most Vizslas have an excellent appetite for food, and there is considerable variation in individual dogs’ caloric needs, that is the caloric needs for a senior dog, and an adult dog varies due to factors such as rate of metabolism. Always consult a trained professional when purchasing dog food for your senior Vizsla. Nutritionists and veterinarians at Spot & Tango will be of great assistance in developing a meal plan for your senior Vizsla at amazing deals. It is advisable to pay attention to your dog’s calorie intake and weight level. Clean and fresh water should be available at all times.

The Best Dog Food for a Senior Vizsla
High quality dog food packed with fresh, nutritious ingredients is important in keeping Vizslas healthy. The dietary needs of Vizslas change throughout their life, making it important to provide dog food that’s nutrient-rich to benefit their health at each unique phase of life. Growing Vizsla puppies will require more calories than an older dog because of their higher activity level. As Vizslas age, they require less calories and a dog food that will help target a senior Vizsla needs. Though Vizslas are generally healthy, they may experience certain health conditions as they age. Osteoarthritis can affect senior Vizslas, causing pain and loss of mobility. Senior Vizslas may also suffer from loose, broken or missing teeth. Because of this state, senior Vizslas may have difficulty chewing their food and can benefit from a soft, palatable diet. A real difference can be made in slowing the progression of age-related health conditions of Vizslas by providing a quality dog food that is balanced and complete to meet these concerns.
Get Your Vizsla the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for Senior Vizsla Dog Food
Due to their activeness, the Vizslas require a proper diet plan to maintain good health and energy levels. At Spot & Tango, it is our mission to offer the best human-grade food that is made by animal nutritionists and veterinarians and particularly customized for your senior Vizsla. All our food is locally sourced and prepared in our USDA- approve the kitchen located in New York City. Fill out our quiz online, and Spot & Tango will help you build the perfect plan that is personalized based on your dog’s weight, activity level, age, and other factors. We aim at keeping your dog healthy and happy at all times. Contact us today for more information and to get a free quote.