West Highland White Terrier
AKC Grouping
Terrier GroupTemperament
- loyal
- happy
- entertaining
friendlyChoosing the Best Dog Food for a West Highland White Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach
It’s uncommon for West Highland White Terriers to need specialized dog food for a sensitive stomach. Starting in the 1500s, the West Highland White Terrier was used on a regular basis by both social classes as a work game dog. The West Highland White Terrier was bred to prey on small rodents since they will more often than not chase anything that moves. It’s because of this unique trait that the West Highland White Terrier got the name Earthdog. However, before they came to be known as the West Highland White Terrier, this self-reliant breed was called the Roseneath Terrier. The name originated from Duke of Argyll’s place located in Dumbartonshire, Scotland. Later, the West Highland White Terrier became a popular breed for dog shows. The West Highland White Terrier was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1908 and in 1909 got a name change from the Roseneath Terrier to what it is now referred to as the West Highland White Terrier. While the West Highland White Terrier was still chasing rodents on the farm it may not have received the best in nourishment. Because of this background, the West Highland White Terrier might require a dog food designed for sensitive stomachs. Although the West Highland White Terrier is not prone to stomach issues, when the occasional sensitive stomach issue occurs in the West Highland White Terrier, it should be addressed with the appropriate dog food.
The History of West Highland White Terriers with a Sensitive Stomach
Due to their alert and friendly dispositions, West Highland White Terriers have been no stranger to the spotlight. The West Highland White Terrier became a popular breed for branding and marketing. Perhaps due to the West Highland White Terriers varminty appearance and no meager amount of self-esteem, it became the companion breed for political leaders such as Pakistan's founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah. But the West Highland White Terrier is not all obnoxious in its appearance. It also has an intelligent and friendly side which is probably what attracted nineties teenage heartthrob Jonathan Brandis to it. We can only speculate that the celebrity West Highland White Terrier would have received only the best in dog food that would optimize their performances. If sensitive stomach issues would have come up, their celebrity caretakers would have been sure to give their West Highland White Terriers the very best in dog food.
Get Your West Highland White Terrier the Right FoodEnergy
daily brushingTraining
willing to followShedding
seasonallyA West Highland White Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach in Modern Times
Despite their seemingly active lifestyle, a West Highland White Terrier’s diet demands extra care. Their inherently small statue, as well as their genetic predisposition toward health conditions such as abdominal hernias, atopic dermatitis, and a disease known as “lion jaw”, make a diet high in protein and low in fat an ideal choice. When your West Highland White Terrier has a sensitive stomach, however, determining which specialized dog food to pick becomes far more challenging. A sensitive stomach could be due to a lack of certain minerals, nutrients, fiber, or vitamins. Some West Highland White Terriers may also be sensitive to certain proteins. As a whole, many dogs have a difficult time digesting fat. Determining the quality of your dog’s food ingredients is especially difficult in big brands because labels are not allowed to contain any information on the quality or grade of an ingredient. Picking the right dog food for a West Highland White Terrier’s sensitive stomach can be troublesome and challenging. However, Spot & Tango may have a solution to the puzzle.
The Best Dog Food for a West Highland White Terrier with a Sensitive Stomach
It is essential to get routine veterinarian care and to find out what medical causes there are for your West Highland White Terrier's sensitive stomach. When you need to see what it is that your West Highland White Terrier ought to eat, Spot & Tango provides a solution. Spot & Tango, on our website, provides you a list of ingredients in our meals. This will let you make informed choices for your dog. All of Spot & Tango's meals are made in an USDA-certified kitchen, with human-grade turkey, lamb or beef. It is locally sourced and does not contain growth hormones, preservatives or artificial ingredients of any kind. Spot & Tango's meals are gluten, wheat and soy-free, which can help prevent a sensitive stomach in your West Highland White Terrier. These meals include lots of fruits and vegetables that supply fiber, minerals and vitamins, in amounts perfect for your dog. When feeding your West Highland White Terrier with a sensitive stomach, you should know that Spot & Tango’s meals could help.
Get Your West Highland White Terrier the Right FoodChoose Spot & Tango for West Highland White Terrier Sensitive Stomach Dog Food
After consulting your veterinarian about possible causes for your West Highland White Terrier’s stomach issues, the next vital step to investigate when purchasing dog food is USDA approval as well as veterinarian and pet nutritionist approvals. At Spot & Tango, there is no guessing game when it comes to your dog's food because we are dedicated to providing the absolute highest quality of food for your dog. We develop a customized meal plan based on the specific needs of your West Highland White Terrier; just fill out the profile for your dog. Our veterinarians and pet nutritionist have developed recipes that are prepared in our USDA-approved kitchen in New York. We only buy human-grade food, that is locally sourced, for small batch cooking. Our food is cooked when ordered which helps retain more nutrients, and we ship directly to your door in ready-to-serve portions in a matter of days. Spot & Tango is committed to making sure that our food is the right fit to help ensure that your dog is jubilant, and most importantly, healthy. With our risk-free two-week trial you can easily determine if Spot & Tango is a good fit for your dog’s needs. West Highland White Terriers have been there for us for over 300 years. It is our turn to be there for them to make sure they receive the very best nutrition possible.